Money, regret, poor health, and being forgotten are the three worst things about retiring.
George Jerjian, (67 years old) author of the bookDare to Discover Your Purpose: Retire, Refire, Rewire, just shared the biggest challenges in retirement that few people mention.
In 2007, George, then 52, was forced into early retirement when an MRI revealed a large tumor on his pelvis. Oncologists diagnosed the bone tumor as secondary cancer in 98% of these cases, and estimated that the patient would only live about six months. But after two successful surgeries, George recovered and learned to walk again in just a few months.
After his near-death experience, he retired for 10 years. During this time, the man described feeling bored, restless and stuck with life only revolving around his house.
"My enthusiasm and energy were waning. My mental health was also affected," George said. Sharing with his fellow early retirees what they were going through, they admitted they were in a similar state.
He conducted a survey of more than 15,000 retirees over 60 years old with the question:"What was your biggest challenge in choosing to retire?"
Below are the responses George received in categories, which are also the three dark corners that most people have experienced.
Most people report that their biggest regret about retirement is being cut off from work so abruptly. People often say: I had no idea what to do with my time and felt lost.
Respondents to George's survey said their top health concern was "wanting to keep their minds healthy and add value to the world." They also feared "dying in pain and discomfort."
Fear of being forgotten
After feeling regretful about not being able to work anymore and worrying about health in old age, the third concern of retirees is "I'm afraid people will forget me".
From the above sharing, George realized that the only reason people fear retirement is not finding a purpose in life.
He analyzed that for many people, finances are the biggest concern when retiring. Some people say "fear of poverty and loss of dignity", others complain "money keeps being spent but there is no additional income". However, financial worries are not in the top 3 fears on the list.
In fact, many people often confuse retirement savings with retirement planning, because they are two different things. According to Google, the phrase "early retirement planning" and most of the search results are related to savings and pensions.
"I admit, having financial stability to maintain and prolong retirement is important. But more importantly, what will you do after leaving work? You can say goodbye to your career but you cannot say goodbye to life," George said.
To find a solution, the experts asked the survey group. As many as 35% believe the answer lies in finding purpose in life through a new skill or hobby.
This result coincides with a 2021 study of nearly 13,000 people over 51, published inJournal of Applied Gerontology- an American academic journal of geriatrics, points out the link between a strong sense of purpose and a healthy lifestyle that can slow the progression of chronic diseases.
In addition, finding a purpose in life also helps retirees find new job opportunities, create a source of income and reduce financial worries.
That's when the 67-year-old decided to start a mind-training company to help people in need enjoy a fulfilling retirement.
Those who come to George's firm are advised not to return to the traditional 9-to-5 workday, but to start new businesses, consult, volunteer, and pursue hobbies that bring joy and satisfaction.
But to determine what activities give life purpose, George turned to the concept ofIkigaiJapanese, meaning "my reason for being". In the Western version of this concept, it is usually based on four questions that a person must complete. Specifically:
Are you doing an activity you enjoy?
Are you good at it?
Does the world need what you are offering?
Can you get paid to do that?
Factors that determine each individual's ikigai according to George Jerjian's research
Meanwhile, Japanese neuroscientist and happiness expert Ken Mogi also suggests looking at this activity based on five pillars that helpIkigaiof each individual to develop better.
Does the activity you want to implement allow you to start small and improve over time?
Does this activity allow you to release yourself?
Do they help pursue harmony and sustainability?
Do you enjoy the little things?
Does this activity allow you to focus on the present?
On a deeper level,Ikigaialso refers to the emotional circumstances in which individuals feel their lives are valuable as they move toward a goal.
As for George, after many years of research and study, he found his purpose in life is to help retirees who do not retire and create a new life.
“Depending on when you plan to retire, you could have 30, 40, 50 years or more of life. That’s a long time to decide whether to live aimlessly or continue to create good values,” George says.
According to VnExpress