During the period from 2004 to 2016, Sukhoi Corporation transferred 36 Su-30MK2 to the Vietnam Air Force.
Twenty years ago (2004), Russia's Komsomolsk-on-Amur aircraft factory began delivering the first Su-30MK2 multi-role fighters to Vietnam based on an agreement previously signed by the two sides.
These are the first Su-30MK2s of the Vietnam People's Air Force - serial numbers 8531 and 8532. All were transported by air via An-124 Ruslan transport aircraft.
The process of receiving, assembling, testing and putting into operation the first Su-30MK2s always had the support of Russian experts from Komsomolsk-on-Amur aircraft.
To be able to put inside the An-124 aircraft, two Su-30MK2s had their wings removed and then reassembled in Vietnam.
Once inside the workshop, the two Su-30MK2s will have their wings reassembled and undergo other transfer processes.
According to information from the Russian defense industry, in December 2003, the Russian state arms export corporation (Rosoboronexport) signed a contract to supply Vietnam with the first four Su-30MK2s. By 2004, Vietnam had received all four of these aircraft.
Specialized cranes were deployed to participate in the process of moving and assembling wings for Su-30MK2.
A Su-30MK3 is 6.36m high, 21.9m long and has a wingspan of up to 14.7m.
Experts check the wing of a Su-30MK2 before assembly.
The process of assembling the wings for the aircraft takes place with the coordination of the manufacturer's representative and Vietnamese officers and engineers.
At present, if only counting the Su-30MK2 version, the Vietnamese Air Force has the largest number of this type of aircraft in the world.
During the period from 2004 to 2016, Sukhoi and Rosoboronexport corporations transferred 36 Su-30MK2s to the Vietnam Air Force.
The Vietnam Air Force currently has 35 Su-30MK2s in service (except for one that crashed during a training flight in June 2016 in the waters of Nghe An).
Manufacturer representatives talk with Vietnamese officers and engineers during the transfer of Su-30MK2 aircraft.