Hai Duong

93% of villages and residential areas in Thanh Mien have installed outdoor exercise and sports equipment.

DQ April 4, 2024 09:02

According to the Department of Culture and Information of Thanh Mien district, as of April 3, 77/83 villages and residential areas (accounting for 93%) in the district have installed outdoor exercise and sports equipment.

Doan Tung Commune socialized over 200 million VND to install exercise and sports equipment in villages.

On average, each village and residential area in Thanh Mien district installed 3-6 exercise and sports equipment at cultural houses. The total investment and equipment purchase cost is about 2 billion VND. Of which, nearly 1.6 billion VND was socialized by local departments, branches, and organizations and voluntary contributions from the people. Some typical localities in the movement of socializing outdoor sports facilities are: Doan Tung, Chi Lang Nam, Chi Lang Bac, Cao Thang, Le Hong...

By 2024, Thanh Mien district strives to have all villages and residential areas equipped with outdoor exercise and sports equipment.

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93% of villages and residential areas in Thanh Mien have installed outdoor exercise and sports equipment.