
4 surprising uses of garlic peels

TH (according to VnExpress) November 23, 2024 19:35

Housewives often think garlic peels are waste, but in fact they have surprising uses.

Garlic skins contain lots of potassium, phosphorus and other nutrients that help plants grow.

Although garlic peel does not contain essential oils and is not fragrant, it contains many antioxidants, which help prevent aging and protect the heart.

Garlic skins have six times more antioxidants than garlic flesh. Garlic skins are also rich in quercetin, which helps reduce inflammation and boosts anti-allergy capabilities.

In addition, garlic peel also has the following effects:

Fertilizer for plants and flowers

To grow flowers well, you need to fertilize them regularly. At this time, you can take advantage of available materials in the house to make fertilizer. Garlic peel is one such material.

Garlic peels contain a lot of potassium, phosphorus and other nutrients that help plants grow. Just bury the garlic peels in the soil and let them decompose, they will provide nutrients for the plants. The smell from the garlic peels also has the effect of repelling insects and pests that harm plants.

Make poultry feed

Garlic peels can be mixed into chicken, duck, and goose feed because they contain a lot of allicin, which is good for the health of poultry. Allicin has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, helping to increase the resistance of livestock.

Foot bath

Foot soaking is a way to relax, reduce fatigue, improve blood circulation and warm the body. When soaking your feet, you can add garlic peels to increase the effectiveness.

Accordingly, use warm water at 60 degrees Celsius with a little garlic peel to soak your feet. The temperature of the water helps to completely release allicin, making the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects of allicin work better, eliminating foot odor.

Deodorize shoes

Allicin in garlic peel has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, so it helps deodorize shoes.

Because the allicin in garlic peels has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, it helps to deodorize shoes. Just take a handful of garlic peels and put them in each shoe and leave them overnight. The moisture inside the shoes will disappear and the shoes will become dry. The odor will also be eliminated.

TH (according to VnExpress)
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4 surprising uses of garlic peels