
11 Surprising Practical Uses for Hair Dryers

TB (according to Vietnam+) July 25, 2024 20:42

In addition to drying and styling hair, hair dryers can sometimes replace steam irons; clean computer keyboards; defrost refrigerators and even become a powerful kitchen appliance.

11 công dụng thực tế đáng ngạc nhiên của máy sấy tóc

The main use of a hair dryer is known to almost everyone, which is to dry and style hair in the beauty industry as well as for civil use. However, a hair dryer does not only have the function as its name suggests, but it can also be used for many more purposes.

Here are 11 other uses for your hair dryer that will make many of your everyday tasks a lot easier.

is steam

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A hair dryer can smooth out your clothes in a pinch without an iron.

First, you need to moisten the clothes that need to be flattened and hang them on a hanger, then turn on the hair dryer on medium mode and use it similarly to a steam iron. However, you need to pay attention to the fabric material and the hot temperature of the dryer to avoid damaging the clothes.

This method can smooth out wrinkles in minutes without having to fumble with an iron or ironing board.

Stretch tight shoes


If you buy a pair of shoes you love but they are a little too tight, you can use a hair dryer to stretch them out to fit your feet.

First, put on a pair of thick cotton socks and put your feet in your shoes. Turn on the hair dryer on medium heat and blow dry the outside of the shoes until they are hot, then turn off the dryer and stand up and walk around a few times to stretch the shoes.

When the shoes cool, you continue to repeat the above steps, just do it a few times and the shoes will expand and become softer.

Remove labels and stickers from products

To remove stubborn stickers and labels from a product, simply turn on a hair dryer on medium heat and blow on the sticker for about 30 seconds to melt the glue, then gently peel it off with your fingernails.

If any adhesive remains on the product, you can wipe it off with an alcohol-soaked cloth.

Cleaning computer keyboard

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The small crevices of a computer keyboard contain a lot of dust and even food crumbs. Soft cloths and feather dusters cannot clean them without the help of a hair dryer.

Turn on the hair dryer at the coolest setting and blow air onto the keyboard, stubborn dust particles will quickly be blown out.

Remove crayon and candle wax stains

Set the hair dryer to medium heat and blow on the crayon marks for a few seconds to soften the wax and then wipe it off easily with a cloth.

For candle wax stains, use a hair dryer to warm them up and then wipe the surface clean with a paper towel or cloth.

Remove steamon the bathroom mirror

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When you take a hot shower, steam will cover the entire bathroom, condensing on the mirror and glass walls, making them foggy. You can use a hair dryer to blow on the mirror to remove the steam. This method is faster than using a towel to wipe the mirror.

Adjust glasses

chinh gong kinh.jpgIf your glasses are crooked or a little loose when worn, warm the glasses with a hair dryer for about 20-30 seconds to make the plastic flexible. Then use your hands to gently bend the ends of the glasses in the direction you need to adjust so that both sides are balanced and fit your face.

Blow dry nail polish

When painting your nails, you have to wait at least 15-30 minutes for the nail polish to dry. Using a hair dryer, you can shorten this waiting time because the airflow from the hair dryer will help the solvent in the nail polish evaporate faster.

Turn on the cool setting of your hair dryer and dry your nails at a distance of 10-20cm to avoid smudging or wrinkling the nail polish.

Pain relief


The warm air from a hair dryer can help relieve pain effectively in some cases such as muscle pain, sprains or strains.

Apply a clean, damp towel to the painful area and use a hair dryer to blow hot air onto the towel to warm the painful area without overheating it. Do this 2-3 times a day, and the pain will be effectively reduced.

Defrost the refrigerator

The freezer compartment of the refrigerator will have a thick layer of ice inside after a long time, reducing the efficiency of the refrigerator and reducing the space for storing food. Therefore, you need to defrost this layer of ice.

This is a time-consuming task, about 5-8 hours. But with the hot air from the hair dryer, the ice will melt very quickly, helping to speed up the defrosting process and clean the refrigerator.

When using a hair dryer to melt ice, be careful not to point the hair dryer too close to the coil or cabinet wall to avoid damaging these parts.

New kitchen gadgets

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A hair dryer is very useful in the kitchen as you can use it to speed up the defrosting of meat; soften butter, dry bottles and jars of food.

In particular, housewives have discovered that the heat from a hair dryer can make soggy cookies crisp again; create a shiny layer of cream on a cake; remove moisture from seasoned foods before putting them in the oven to create a crispier crust - this method applied to grilled chicken will bring about especially delicious results.

TB (according to Vietnam+)
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11 Surprising Practical Uses for Hair Dryers