
14 women in Thai Binh were fined for doing yoga in the middle of the street to take pictures with purple flowers.

TN (according to VnE) May 20, 2024 06:30

A group of women in Kien Xuong town (Thai Binh) who posed for yoga in the middle of the street to take photos with purple flowers were fined 100,000-200,000 VND each.

Nhóm phụ nữ tập yoga chụp ảnh giữa đường. Ảnh: Huyện Kiến Xương
Group of women pose for yoga in the middle of the street to take photos with purple flowers

On the evening of May 19, the Traffic Police Department (Ministry of Public Security) announced that the People's Committee of Kien Xuong town, Kien Xuong district, had issued a decision to fine 14 people for illegally gathering in large numbers, lying and sitting on the road, obstructing traffic.

Before that, at around 4:30 a.m. on May 17, a group of 17 people in the area made an appointment to meet at the intersection of Tran Hung Dao and Nguyen Cong Thu streets in Tan Hung residential group, Kien Xuong town. They created yoga positions on the road to take photos to commemorate the purple flower season. This action lasted until dawn.

In addition to being fined 100,000-200,000 VND each, violators must pledge not to repeat the act. The three minors were warned and warned by local authorities.

Violations by the group were reported to their residence and workplace. Kien Xuong Town also used loudspeakers to propagate to the people to raise their awareness and sense of responsibility to the community; not to encroach or illegally use the roadway, sidewalk, and corridor affecting the entire road traffic.

Decree 100 of 2019 of the Government stipulates a fine of 100,000-200,000 VND for individuals who commit one of the following acts: illegally gathering in large numbers, lying or sitting on the road, obstructing traffic; playing soccer, shuttlecock, badminton or other illegal sports activities on the road; using skateboards, roller skates, or similar equipment on the roadway...

TN (according to VnE)
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14 women in Thai Binh were fined for doing yoga in the middle of the street to take pictures with purple flowers.