The new circular of the Ministry of Transport stipulates that motor vehicles using clean energy, green energy, and environmentally friendly energy when participating in traffic are identified by inspection stamps with a green background.
According to Circular 53/2024 of the Ministry of Transport (MOT), which has just issued regulations on the classification of road vehicles and identification signs of motor vehicles using clean energy, green energy, and environmentally friendly, effective from January 1, 2025, vehicles are classified according to the level of automation including: conventional vehicles and smart vehicles.
In which, a conventional vehicle is a motor vehicle in which the driver performs all the tasks of controlling the vehicle's movement even when supported by active safety systems on the vehicle.
Intelligent vehicles are classified according to the level of partial or full automation of vehicle control operations.
Accordingly, there are 5 levels of automation; vehicles with levels 1, 2, 3 are called motor vehicles that allow partial automation and vehicles with levels 4, 5 are motor vehicles that allow full automation of vehicle control, route determination and situation handling when participating in road traffic.
These levels are classified and defined in ISO/SAE PAS 22736:2021 Classification and definitions of terms related to autonomous driving systems of motor vehicles.
Separate inspection stamp for electric vehicles
In addition, Circular 53/2024 also classifies motor vehicles according to the energy used, including motor vehicles with engines that only use gasoline or diesel fuel and environmentally friendly motor vehicles (motor vehicles that use energy or technology to help reduce direct carbon emissions during operation compared to conventional motor vehicles).
Environmentally friendly vehicles include: pure electric vehicles PEV or BEV, pure fuel cell electric vehicles PFCEV or FCEV, and vehicles using hydrogen fuel.
Of these, a pure electric vehicle (PEV) is a motor vehicle that uses an electric drive system. A pure fuel cell electric vehicle (PFCEV) is a pure fuel cell electric motor vehicle, in which the fuel cell system is the sole source of energy on the vehicle for the vehicle's powertrain.
Hybrid electric vehicle HEV, Circular 53/2024 defines as a motor vehicle driven by a hybrid electric drive system (including vehicles that use fuel consumed only to charge the electric energy storage device).
Hybrid electric vehicles HEV include: Light hybrid electric vehicles MHEV is an electric hybrid vehicle; the electric engine (motor) has the function of supporting the internal combustion engine to start, support acceleration, regenerative braking and provide energy to the auxiliary system. The vehicle is not capable of charging from an external power source; Full hybrid electric vehicles FHEV is an electric hybrid vehicle that is capable of moving entirely on electric power under certain conditions (such as starting from a standstill, moving at low speed...). The vehicle is not capable of charging from an external power source; And external hybrid electric vehicles PHEV is an electric hybrid vehicle that is capable of charging from an external power source.
Regarding identification marks, the Circular stipulates that motor vehicles using clean energy, green energy, and environmentally friendly energy when participating in traffic are identified by inspection stamps with a green background.
Details of the stamp sample will be specified in the Circular regulating the order and procedures for inspection, exemption from first-time inspection, modification of motor vehicles and specialized motorbikes; order and procedures for inspection of exhaust emissions of motorbikes and mopeds.
Currently, Vietnam has 2 enterprises producing and assembling electric cars. The number of electric cars produced, assembled and newly imported in our country has increased rapidly in recent years.
In 2021, only 167 electric cars manufactured, assembled and imported were inspected and certified. However, statistics from the Vietnam Road Administration show that by the end of 2023, the country will have about 75,000 taxis and service vehicles of all kinds, of which nearly 30,000 are pure electric cars, accounting for approximately 40%.
According to a representative of the Department of Roads, in 2022, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 876/QD-TTg approving the Action Program on green energy conversion, reducing carbon and methane emissions of the transport sector.
The green transformation roadmap states that by 2040, Vietnam will gradually limit and eventually stop the production, assembly and import of vehicles using fossil fuels. For service vehicles, from 2025, 100% of buses will be replaced or newly invested in using electricity or green energy; from 2030, 100% of taxis will be replaced or newly invested in using electricity or green energy.
By 2050, 100% of road vehicles will switch to using electricity and green energy. At the same time, complete the charging infrastructure to provide green energy nationwide.
TH (according to Vietnamnet)