Temporarily suspend the pilot merger of Party committee agencies with specialized agencies under the same-level government

July 27, 2022 14:21

Comrade Vo Van Thuong, Politburo member and Standing member of the Secretariat, signed and issued the Notice of the Politburo's Conclusion on implementing a number of pilot models according to Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW of the 12th Party Central Committee (Notice No. 16-TB/TW dated July 7, 2022).

Member of the Politburo, Permanent Secretary of the Secretariat Vo Van Thuong

Considering the proposal of the Central Organizing Committee on the preliminary review of the implementation of Conclusion No. 34-KL/TW dated August 7, 2018, and the opinions of relevant agencies, the Politburo concluded:

Highly appreciate the proactiveness and positivity of a number of Party committees and organizations in piloting the new organizational model according to Conclusion 34. The implementation process has achieved some initial results, both raising awareness and responsibility and promoting the proactiveness and creativity of a number of local Party committees in innovating and rearranging the organizational apparatus of the political system, contributing to innovating the Party's leadership methods, creating a practical basis for considering the implementation of appropriate and effective models in practice.

To continue effectively implementing Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW of the 12th Party Central Committee, the Politburo requests Party committees and organizations at all levels to lead and direct a number of contents:

Continue to organize the Provincial Business Bloc Party Committee according to Conclusion 34.

The Standing Committees of the Provincial and Municipal Party Committees directly under the Central Government, based on the local situation and the requirements for innovation, reorganizing the apparatus of the political system to be streamlined, effective and efficient, proactively decided to implement the following models: (1) Merging specialized agencies under the People's Committees at the provincial and district levels. (2) The Head of the Mass Mobilization Committee is also the Chairman of the Fatherland Front Committee at the provincial and district levels.

Temporarily suspend the pilot implementation of models of merging advisory and support agencies of Party committees with specialized agencies of the same-level government with similar functions and tasks.

The Standing Committees of the Provincial Party Committees and the Central City Party Committees have directed localities that have piloted the above models to rearrange them according to the general model of the political system.

Continue to lead and direct the preliminary review of pilot models on organizational structure and concurrent positions of the Party and political system.

According to Nhan Dan

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Temporarily suspend the pilot merger of Party committee agencies with specialized agencies under the same-level government