
Policy speech by General Secretary To Lam at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore

. March 12, 2025 19:54

Hai Duong Newspaper respectfully introduces the full text of General Secretary To Lam's speech at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (National University of Singapore).

General Secretary To Lam delivers a policy speech at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore.

Dear Senior Minister Teo Chee Hean,

Dear Professor Tan Eng Chye,

Dear professors, lecturers and students,

Today, I am delighted to visit the National University of Singapore, one of the leading academic and innovation centres in Asia and the world, which has made important contributions to Singapore's dynamic and sustainable development, from business administration, science and technology, artificial intelligence, medicine, to international research.

I am particularly pleased to meet again Senior Minister Teo Chee Hean and witness the achievements of close cooperation over the past years, which have positively contributed to the increasingly comprehensive, profound and effective development of the Vietnam - Singapore strategic relationship.

I would like to thank the Senior Minister for his kind words and deep affection for Vietnam, as well as the warm welcome he gave to me personally and the Vietnamese High-level Delegation.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The strong development and outstanding achievements of Singapore are first and foremost a typical symbol of the aspiration to rise, the spirit of innovation and strategic vision of the Singaporean people in the journey of more than half a century. From a country with modest area and limited natural resources, Singapore has risen to become one of the world's leading financial, technological and educational centers, a model of prosperous and sustainable development that many countries admire.

That journey not only reflects the mettle and will of the Singaporean people, but is also a strong source of inspiration for many countries in the region, including Vietnam.

International icons such as the Marina Bay Financial District, the Singapore Seaport, the smart urban system, and advanced underground spaces not only demonstrate outstanding economic development but also demonstrate a long-term vision for governance, science, technology, and sustainable development. In particular, Singapore is not only strong in physical infrastructure, but also a pioneer in building knowledge infrastructure with prestigious universities and research institutes, playing a leading role in the regional innovation ecosystem.

Singapore is recognized worldwide as one of the leading countries in digital transformation and smart nation building. The Singaporean government initiated the Smart Nation Initiative in 2014 and has achieved impressive results in applying technology to all aspects of life and society.

What we admire is not only the brilliant achievements, but also Singapore’s strategic thinking and flexible adaptability to global challenges. You have set ambitious goals such as becoming a leading country in artificial intelligence, digital finance and green development, and pioneering in building a digital economy, digital government and smart cities. These efforts not only help Singapore consolidate its position, but also contribute to shaping the future of Southeast Asia and Asia, opening up great cooperation opportunities for neighboring countries, including Vietnam.

Ladies and gentlemen,

After nearly 100 years under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, 80 years of founding the country and nearly 40 years of carrying out the renovation process, Vietnam is facing a new historical moment, determined to enter a new era - the era of prosperous development of the Vietnamese people.

The great achievements that Vietnam has achieved stem from choosing the right path under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, with the efforts and determination of the entire nation. Overcoming many difficulties and challenges, from a country with the status of a slave, devastated by war, Vietnam has regained independence and developed its economy, gradually affirming its position as a dynamically developing economy.

From being isolated, Vietnam today has diplomatic relations with 194 countries, strategic partnerships and comprehensive partnerships with 30 countries, including all major countries and all 5 permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. Vietnam is also an active member of ASEAN and more than 70 regional and international organizations, has relations with 224 markets in the continents; recognized by the United Nations as a bright spot in the implementation of the millennium goals.

With the spirit of independence and self-reliance, self-confidence and national pride, Vietnam is preparing to enter a new era of the nation with the top priority of successfully implementing the two 100-year goals set by the 13th National Party Congress: By 2030, the 100th anniversary of the Party's founding: Vietnam becomes a developing country with modern industry and high average income. By 2045, the 100th anniversary of the country's founding, Vietnam becomes a developed country with high income. Efforts to overcome the middle-income trap, build a peaceful, unified, independent, democratic and prosperous Vietnam on par with the world powers, contributing worthily to the sustainable development of the world and the region.

Vietnam’s development path cannot be separated from the general trend of the world and human civilization. The above-mentioned noble goals cannot be achieved without pure international solidarity, valuable support and effective cooperation from the international community. We will continue to promote the cause of Renovation, openness, and comprehensive and extensive international integration. Vietnam will continue to be a stable, trustworthy and attractive destination for foreign investors, businesses and tourists.

The way for Vietnam to overcome the middle-income trap is science, technology, innovation and digital transformation, by arousing the will of self-reliance, self-confidence, self-reliance, self-reliance and national pride, by maximizing the strength of national solidarity combined with the strength of the times.

Ladies and gentlemen,

We are living in the midst of unprecedented rapid changes in the digital age. The Fourth Industrial Revolution with breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, Big Data, the Internet of Things… is reshaping the way we live, work and connect.

In that context, I would like to share with you three main contents: (1) Vietnam's strategic vision on science, technology and innovation. (2) Our philosophy on cooperation and development in the digital age and (3) Lessons from Vietnam-Singapore cooperation and the long-term significance of this relationship.

Vietnam has identified science, technology and innovation as key drivers for national development. Decades ago, we considered science and technology a top national policy - a strategic pillar for the country's industrialization and modernization. Today, in the context of globalization and increasingly fierce competition, this is more true than ever. We clearly understand that a nation that wants to be strong and prosperous must be based on knowledge and innovation.

Vietnam's goal is to become a modern industrialized country by 2030 and a developed country with high income by 2045 - the 100th anniversary of the founding of the country. To achieve these goals, there is no other way than to promote the development of science, technology, innovation and implement the national digital transformation strategy. This is the "golden key" to help our country overcome the middle-income trap, avoid the risk of falling behind and catch up with the times. Developing science, technology, innovation and digital transformation is not an optional choice, but a vital path to realizing national aspirations.

Throughout the development process, science and technology have always accompanied the country and people of Vietnam, achieved many achievements and made great contributions to the process of building, developing the socio-economy and enhancing the position of Vietnam. The potential and level of science and technology of Vietnam are constantly developing.

Science and technology have contributed to improving agricultural labor productivity, making Vietnam the world's leading exporter of rice and some key agricultural and aquatic products. Science and technology factors contribute over 30% of added value in agricultural production, 38% in the production of plant and animal breeds.

Vietnamese scientists have gradually mastered technologies in areas such as hydropower, oil and gas, shipbuilding, satellites, remote sensing, medicine and vaccines. Social sciences and humanities have provided arguments for planning policies and strategies for national development, perfecting laws, creating premises for economic thinking innovation, affirming the history of national formation and development, and preserving Vietnamese values ​​and cultural identity.

Despite some important achievements in science and technology, Vietnam is facing the challenges of the increasingly fierce global technological revolution, posing urgent requirements for innovation in governance models, policies and national development strategies. Competition between major countries is fragmenting the global technology market, causing barriers to trade and technology transfer. Developed countries invest heavily in research and development (R&D), STEM education and digital infrastructure, while many developing countries still face difficulties in accessing new technologies, are overly dependent on imported technologies, and lack the capacity to localize and develop core technologies. The "brain drain" occurs when talented scientists from developing countries move to work in developed countries.

Faced with this situation, Vietnam has taken a comprehensive, serious and objective look at the shortcomings and limitations to have strong, strategic and revolutionary policies and decisions to create new momentum and breakthroughs in science, technology, innovation and digital transformation, bringing the country to develop strongly in the new era - the era of the Vietnamese people's rise.

General Secretary To Lam at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore

I would like to share some specific perspectives and approaches as follows:

The firstVietnam identifies the development of science, technology, innovation and national digital transformation as the top important breakthrough, the main driving force to rapidly develop modern productive forces, perfect production relations, innovate national governance methods, develop socio-economy, prevent the risk of falling behind, and bring the country to breakthrough development and prosperity.

Monday, strengthening the comprehensive leadership of the Party, promoting the combined strength of the entire political system, the active participation of entrepreneurs, businesses and people in the development of science, technology, innovation and national digital transformation. Identifying this as a profound, comprehensive revolution based on all fields; implemented drastically, persistently, synchronously, consistently, long-term with breakthrough, revolutionary solutions. People and businesses are the center, the main subject, resource, and driving force; scientists are the key factor; the State plays a leading, promoting and creating the most favorable conditions for the development of science, technology, innovation and national digital transformation.

Tuesday, institutions, human resources, infrastructure, data and strategic technology are the core and central contents, in which institutions are the prerequisite, need to be completed and go one step ahead. Innovate the thinking of law-making to ensure management requirements and encourage innovation. Focus on ensuring high-quality human resources for the development of science, technology, innovation and national digital transformation; have special mechanisms and policies on talent.

Developing infrastructure, especially digital infrastructure and digital technology on the principles of "modernity, synchronization, security, safety, savings and efficiency"; enriching and maximizing the potential of data, turning data into the main means of production, promoting the rapid development of big databases, data industry and data economy.

Wednesday, develop rapidly and sustainably, gradually become self-sufficient in technology, especially strategic technology. Maximize Vietnam's potential and intelligence in association with quickly receiving, absorbing, mastering and applying the world's advanced scientific and technological achievements; promote applied research, focus on basic research, move towards self-sufficiency and competition in technology in a number of areas where Vietnam has demand, potential and advantages.

ThursdayEnsuring national sovereignty in cyberspace; ensuring network security, data security, and information security for organizations and individuals is a continuous and inseparable requirement in the process of developing science, technology, innovation, and national digital transformation.

Ladies and gentlemen,

In 2003, the late Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew shared with Singaporean university students, "what Singapore has achieved is the result of our country pioneering and maximizing the opportunities brought by changes in technology and global production models." This reflects Singapore's philosophy of continuous innovation under the leadership of the People's Action Party (PAP) over the past 60 years. Despite having few natural resources, Singapore has found its own development path through science, technology and innovation. This is also the path that Vietnam is determined to take to bring the country to strong development in the new era.

In the context of globalization and increasingly deep economic integration, scientific and technological cooperation is a key factor and foundation to strengthen the strategic cooperative relationship between Vietnam and Singapore. Vietnam and Singapore have many similarities and complement each other. Singapore has strengths in advanced technology, management experience and investment capital; while Vietnam has advantages in abundant human resources, a large market and great development potential. This is a solid foundation for mutually beneficial cooperation. With that in mind, I would like to propose some key areas in which our two countries can promote cooperation in the coming time:

The first, enhance cooperation in scientific research projects between Singapore and Vietnam to open up opportunities for knowledge and technology exchange. Promote extensive and comprehensive cooperation between research institutes and universities that meet international standards, exchange experiences and professional resources, especially in areas where both sides have strengths such as artificial intelligence, digital technology, big data, telecommunications. This combination should aim to solve common practical problems of both countries as well as of each country.

Monday, innovation cooperation to exploit and complement each other's strengths to create breakthrough values. Singapore with its dynamic startup ecosystem, advanced technology research centers and stable legal environment has created the foundation for the development of many breakthrough technology initiatives. Meanwhile, Vietnam possesses a young, enthusiastic workforce and a domestic market that is booming in the demand for digitalization and improvement of public services. This cooperation not only opens up opportunities for technology exchange and experience transfer but also promotes the implementation of pilot projects in digital transformation (specifically in areas such as Fintech, smart cities, digital health, and online education...). Thereby, the two countries can together create a sustainable innovation ecosystem, contributing to improving competitiveness and economic development in the context of regional and global integration.

Tuesday, Singapore, with its success in digital transformation, applying technology to urban management, has built advanced traffic, energy and cybersecurity management systems, creating an effective smart urban model. Meanwhile, Vietnam is making efforts to promote digital transformation in administrative management, promptly meeting the growing needs of the people. This cooperation not only allows Vietnam to learn from Singapore's experience and technology, but also helps the two sides to research, test and deploy digital solutions to improve the quality of life and enhance the efficiency of public administration.

Wednesday, cooperation in developing human resources for science and technology between Singapore and Vietnam to promote the transfer of advanced technology between the two countries. Singapore, with its internationally-standardized training and research system, can share educational models, specialized training programs as well as management practices.

Thursday, promote cooperation in technology transfer and commercialization of scientific research between Vietnam and Singapore, to promote the technology transfer process, create conditions for the development of new products and services based on scientific research, thereby enhancing the competitiveness of Vietnamese and Singaporean enterprises in the global market.

In a rapidly changing world, science, technology, innovation and digital transformation are increasingly playing a pivotal role in all fields. Continuous human creativity is the key to opening the door to future breakthroughs and progress. As the late Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew shared a powerful message, "there are no limits to human creativity and the capabilities of technology".

I firmly believe that you, the talented young generation of the National University of Singapore, with your intelligence, enthusiasm and desire to learn, will continue to be the leaders in this technological revolution.

Dear Sir or Madam,

History has shown that the future belongs to those nations that cherish great aspirations and work together for the common good. Vietnam enters the new era with the mindset of a resilient, strong, aspirational nation, ready to connect and cooperate for development goals. We value our cooperative relationship with Singapore and other friendly countries; and will continue to make positive contributions to building a cohesive, creative and prosperous ASEAN.

I am confident that with strategic vision, strong political determination and a spirit of deep cooperation, Vietnam, Singapore and other countries in the region will achieve even greater achievements in the future. Together, we will continue to write the success story of Southeast Asia in the 21st century - a Southeast Asia that is constantly innovative, economically and technologically self-reliant, and sustainably developed for the happiness of its people.

Once again, thank you very much for your attention.

Wishing the Vietnam - Singapore friendship to continue to develop deeply, sustainably and effectively.

Wishing the National University of Singapore continued success, and wishing you and all the delegates and students good health and success.

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Policy speech by General Secretary To Lam at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore