Because of a moment of impulsiveness and hooliganism, many people have paid a heavy price and gotten into trouble with the law.
Recently, there have been many cases of public disorder. Originating from small, even trivial conflicts, some people have acted without thinking, leading to serious consequences.
A typical case is the case of former national football player Le Sy Manh being prosecuted for disturbing public order for hitting a referee in an amateur match. Or recently, Nguyen Thanh Binh (also known as Binh "son", 53 years old, residing in Nha Trang city) pulled out a sword to threaten a female urban environmental worker because the latter reminded Binh not to pick flowers in a public park to give to his girlfriend. Binh was prosecuted for disturbing public order.
Similar incidents also occurred in Hai Duong. In November 2024, after drinking alcohol, Nguyen Xuan Dien, born in 1981, in Phuong Hoang village, Cam Hoang commune (Cam Giang), entered the Phuong Hoang village cultural house to curse, cause trouble, and disrupt the organization of the National Great Unity Day.
Recently, the police in the province have also prosecuted and handled many groups of young people who frequently drive motorbikes at high speed, carrying glass beer bottles, sticks, and swords to race, quarrel, and fight.
In the above cases, most of the defendants were ordinary citizens, but because of a little impulsiveness and thoughtless actions, they got into trouble with the law. Fortunately, the above cases did not cause too serious consequences, otherwise the price that the subjects had to pay would be even higher.
In recent years, most murder cases in Hai Duong have also stemmed from social causes. In the province, there have been many cases of intentional injury and murder arising from small, spontaneous conflicts during traffic collisions, disagreements in gestures, words, when drinking alcohol together, land disputes or borrowing money... There have been some heartbreaking cases where family members killed each other out of anger.
In solutions to prevent crimes caused by spontaneous conflicts, propaganda, dissemination, and education on law, behavior, and conduct in society are very important.
In particular, each person needs to equip themselves with skills to prevent and handle situations of violence, potential violence, and hooliganism...
It is difficult to avoid situations of conflict, disagreement, and disputes in daily life. Everyone needs to calmly discuss and reconcile to reach a consensus on a solution; restrain, control themselves, and think about personal responsibility when acting to avoid serious consequences and late regret. If there is a conflict, as long as each side gives in and maintains peace, violent acts will not occur.
Hooliganism and disregard for the law must continue to be severely punished to ensure deterrence and set an example for others not to violate or commit crimes in order to build a civilized and safe society.