
Reduce belly fat every day with just 5 Japanese lying positions

According to VTC News November 13, 2023 09:19

No need to spend time at the gym, you can still have a slim waist with 5 Japanese lying positions.

According to Dr. Fukutsudzi, who has spent more than 10 years researching weight loss methods, the reason for excess fat accumulation in the waist and abdomen is due to incorrect sitting and lying posture. Over time, this causes pain in the back, pelvis and lower ribs.

Therefore, adjusting your sleeping position is very important when you need to reduce excess fat, control your weight and increase abdominal muscle strength.

After much research, Dr. Fukutsudzi has come up with the 5 most effective ways to lie down to reduce belly fat that you can apply below.

1. Lie on your back on a rolled towel.

Cuộn tròn khăn rồi đặt dưới lưng và nằm lưng có thể giúp giảm mỡ vùng lưng và bụng. (Ảnh: Brightside)

Rolling a towel up and placing it under your back and lying on your back can help reduce back and belly fat. (Photo: Brightside)

The method here is very simple: roll up a towel about 40 cm long so that the diameter is only about 10 cm or less. Then, lie flat on a fixed flat surface, not on a mattress, and place them under your back and lie down.

This towel will help relieve pressure on your bones and restore your ideal posture. If you feel your abdominal muscles tighten and your whole body relax, then this method is starting to work.

Do this pose 3 times a day for a month and you will see your waist gradually shrink.

2. Lie in a raised leg position

Động tác này có thể tác động trực tiếp đến mỡ ở vùng hông và bụng của cơ thể. (Ảnh: Brightside)

This move can directly affect fat in the hips and abdomen of the body. (Photo: Brightside)

Lie down with your legs raised or your feet up against the wall, arms extended comfortably. Maintain this position for 15 to 20 minutes, breathing deeply to expand your abdomen and then exhaling slowly.

Then, bend your legs, bend your knees, lift your body and lift your head to hug your knees. This movement can directly affect the fat in the hips and abdomen of the body. It also helps the thighs and calves to be slimmer and firmer.

3. Lying on your stomach

Khi bạn nằm ngủ sấp thì toàn bộ trọng lượng của phần lưng sẽ chuyển sang vùng bụng. (Ảnh: Brightside)

When you sleep on your stomach, all the weight of your back will be transferred to your abdomen. (Photo: Brightside)

Dr. Fukutsudzi says that when you sleep on your stomach, the entire weight of your back will be transferred to your abdomen. That pressure will cause fat to decrease and prevent excess fat from forming.

However, experts warn that this prone position can sometimes cause discomfort because it affects other organs such as the heart and lungs.

Therefore, you should only perform this position for 2-4 hours and should not apply it during sleep.

4. Abdominal position

Tư thế này là một trong những phương pháp giảm mỡ bụng được nhiều người Nhật áp dụng nhiều nhất hiện nay. (Ảnh: Brightside)

This pose is one of the most popular belly fat loss methods used by many Japanese people today. (Photo: Brightside)

This pose is one of the most popular belly fat reduction methods used by many Japanese people today. This method originated from yoga.

For better belly fat loss, you should breathe with your diaphragm to fill your lungs with oxygen and help your abdominal muscles work harder.

5. Book on stomach position

Cách làm này khiến vùng bụng trở nên săn chắc, thon gọn hơn nhiều. (Ảnh: Brightside)

This method makes the abdomen area firmer and slimmer. (Photo: Brightside)

This way to reduce belly fat is similar to the above abdominal crunch. However, we need to put a book on top of our stomach. Place your hand on the book to hold it and inhale deeply, then use your abdominal muscles to push the book up.

When exhaling, breathe in gently and completely until the book is pressed against your stomach. This will add weight to the muscles here and make them tense up more. From here, your stomach will become firmer and slimmer.

According to VTC News
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Reduce belly fat every day with just 5 Japanese lying positions