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Cyberspace is the main front of journalism

TB (according to VNA) November 12, 2024 12:14

Many press agencies have made efforts to research and develop digital transformation projects with the goal of building a professional, humane and modern press agency that can reach a wide audience.

Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Manh Hung answers questions from National Assembly Deputies

On the morning of November 12, the National Assembly continued its question-and-answer session with National Assembly deputies on the third group of issues in the field of information and communications.

Opening the question-and-answer session, Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Manh Hung said that information and communications is a multi-disciplinary industry, both infrastructure, engineering-technology, economics, and politics, but all related to digital technology, including: digital infrastructure, digital technology, digital industry, state management of press, radio-television, electronic information, grassroots information, publishing, printing and distribution, and also mainly on the digital environment, digital communications infrastructure.

Therefore, many people call the Ministry of Information and Communications "Ministry of Digital Infrastructure" or "Ministry of Digital Transformation."

According to the minister, the information and communication industry currently has an annual revenue of 150 billion USD, equal to 1/3 of the country's GDP, and its growth is always more than twice the GDP growth.

This is an industry with many strategic technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, virtual reality and cyber security.

These are new strategic technologies in the rapidly developing digital field, creating a basic productive force, contributing to creating a new digital space, creating new resources such as digital data, digital infrastructure platforms, digital technology and digital industry to digitally transform traditional industries, which are very important for the country's development in the digital age.

“On behalf of the information and communications sector, I would like to sincerely thank the National Assembly, National Assembly deputies, compatriots and voters nationwide for their attention, support and valuable contributions to help the entire information and communications sector successfully complete the tasks assigned by the Party, State and people,” Mr. Nguyen Manh Hung emphasized.

The Minister said that during the question and answer session, the Minister will be questioned by National Assembly deputies on three major groups of issues in the field of information and communication.

Regarding the three groups of issues under the management of the ministry and selected by National Assembly deputies at this session, namely digital press, digital advertising and digital infrastructure, the information and communications industry has achieved some results.

Cyberspace is the main front of journalism

The Vietnamese revolutionary press has made progress in terms of content and the team of journalists, meeting the public's information needs; information and propaganda have promoted the role of leading and orienting public opinion, creating social consensus and trust, arousing Vietnamese aspirations and turning them into great spiritual strength, making an important contribution to promoting the country's socio-economic development.

The Prime Minister has issued a Strategy for Digital Transformation of Journalism, considering cyberspace as the main front of journalism and success or failure depends on this.

Many press agencies have made efforts to research and develop digital transformation projects with the goal of building a professional, humane and modern press agency that can reach a wide audience.

Regarding digital advertising, according to the minister, in recent times, the Ministry of Information and Communications has strengthened supervision of advertising activities in the press and online environment.

The Ministry has coordinated with relevant ministries and sectors such as health and industry and trade to promote technical measures to scan and detect illegal advertisements, focusing on large social networking platforms with many violations such as Facebook, YouTube and TikTok; strengthen inspection, examination and strict handling of brands with illegal advertising content; focus on fighting cross-border platforms to comply with Vietnamese law.

Regarding the telecommunications sector, the minister said that this sector is entering the second phase of innovation. Telecommunications infrastructure is transforming into digital infrastructure, the infrastructure of the digital economy.

Vietnam's digital infrastructure includes telecommunications-internet infrastructure, data infrastructure and digital physical infrastructure, infrastructure to turn the physical world into the digital world.

According to the minister, General Secretary To Lam once emphasized: digital infrastructure is strategic infrastructure, like transportation and electricity infrastructure; must be invested in advance to serve national digital transformation, develop the digital economy and digital society; must be in the world's top 50 by 2030 and top 30 by 2045, have super-large capacity, super-wide bandwidth; universally sustainable, green, smart, open and safe.

Recently, the Ministry of Information and Communications has proposed to issue many strategies and plans, clearly defining the contents as well as development requirements for national digital infrastructure, paying special attention to the content of popularizing and improving the quality of digital infrastructure in remote areas, ethnic minority areas.

National Assembly delegate of Dak Nong province Nguyen Thi Kieu asked questions

Minister Nguyen Manh Hung noted that in reality, there are still shortcomings, limitations, and new issues arising under the management function of the Ministry of Information and Communications.

“We always consider these shortcomings and limitations as the driving force to promote the development of the industry. The issues that the National Assembly delegates will raise today, from different perspectives, different approaches, in different contexts, will certainly help us see more clearly and comprehensively about our industry; see more clearly our problems, our limitations-existences and our responsibilities, as well as reveal new solutions, new ways of doing things, new approaches. Our country is facing a new opportunity, both an opportunity and a challenge on the path of development under the leadership of the Party and with the consensus and joint efforts of the entire Party, the entire people and the entire political system, we will definitely successfully carry out the digital transformation revolution, bringing our country and our people into a new era, an era of the Vietnamese people's rise,” Minister Nguyen Manh Hung shared.

On that basis, the Minister wishes to receive questions from National Assembly deputies and will answer in the most responsible manner, with a serious and truly receptive spirit.

For issues that lack information and data, the Minister will ask the National Assembly for permission to respond in writing; for large, complicated issues that cannot be answered immediately, a special report will be sent to the National Assembly for more thorough resolution.

Following the opening statement of Minister Nguyen Manh Hung, 94 National Assembly delegates registered to speak and question.

TB (according to VNA)
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Cyberspace is the main front of journalism