On the morning of June 29, the National Assembly voted to pass the Law on Social Insurance (amended); the Law on Management and Use of Weapons, Explosives and Support Tools (amended); the Law on Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Land Law... and closed.
Continuing the 7th Session program, this morning, June 29 (the last working day of the session), the National Assembly will vote to pass the Law on Social Insurance (amended); the Law on Management and Use of Weapons, Explosives and Support Tools (amended).
Along with that is the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Land Law, Housing Law, Real Estate Business Law, and Credit Institutions Law (these are laws expected to be allowed by the National Assembly to take effect earlier from August 1, 2024, instead of from January 1, 2025 according to the shortened procedures).
The National Assembly will vote to approve a Resolution on the results of the thematic supervision of "the implementation of Resolution No. 43/2022/QH15 dated January 11, 2022 of the National Assembly on fiscal and monetary policies to support the Socio-Economic Recovery and Development Program and the National Assembly's resolutions on a number of important national projects until the end of 2023."
During the remainder of the morning (starting at 9:30 a.m.), the National Assembly will hold a closing session that will be broadcast live on television and radio.
Accordingly, the National Assembly will vote to pass the Resolution on questions and answers; vote to pass the Resolution of the 7th Session, 15th National Assembly (including the content on adjusting the investment policy of the National Target Program on socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas for the period 2021 - 2030; reducing value added tax; implementing salary reform).
Late in the morning, the National Assembly Chairman will deliver a closing speech at the session.
TB (according to Vietnam+)