
Hai Duong Provincial People's Council will decide on the planning of 3 industrial parks in Cam Giang, Gia Loc and Tu Ky.

SNOW WIND August 10, 2024 15:30

At the 24th Session taking place on the morning of August 12, the Hai Duong Provincial People's Council will review the tasks and zoning plans for 3 new industrial parks in 3 districts.

Hai Duong Provincial People's Council will consider the tasks and zoning plans for 3 new industrial parks in 3 districts (illustrative photo)

Hai Duong Provincial People's Committee proposed that the Provincial People's Council approve the task of planning the construction of Hoang Dieu Industrial Park (Gia Loc), Hung Dao Industrial Park (Tu Ky) and approve the construction planning project of Tan Truong Industrial Park expansion (Cam Giang) at a scale of 1/2000.

According to the proposal to approve the zoning plan for Hoang Dieu Industrial Park at a scale of 1/2000, the zoning plan research area belongs to the administrative boundaries of Gia Loc town and Hoang Dieu, Gia Khanh, Hong Hung communes (in Gia Loc district). The scale of the planning research area is about 258 hectares, the planning area is about 250 hectares, and the estimated labor force is about 11,500 people.

According to the report on the 1/2000 scale planning task for the construction of Hung Dao Industrial Park, the planning study area is located in the communes of Hung Dao, Ngoc Ky, Tai Son and Tan Ky (all in Tu Ky district).Of which, the planning research area is about 212.8 hectares, the planning area is about 200 hectares, and the estimated labor scale is about 10,000 people.

According to the proposal for approval of the zoning plan for the expansion of Tan Truong Industrial Park at a scale of 1/2000, the land under study for planning is located in Tan Truong and Dinh Son communes (both in Cam Giang district). The industrial park space is organized into 5 main functional areas, including a maximum 5-storey administrative service area; a maximum 3-storey factory and warehouse area; a maximum 8-storey public utility service area (not including the attic and basement); technical infrastructure area, parking lot and green land and water surface area.

These are concentrated, multi-industry industrial parks, attracting high value-added industrial production investment projects, attracting industries according to the province's investment attraction fields. The industrial parks are invested in building synchronous, modern technical infrastructure, with a system of convenient public social works to serve workers and laborers.

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Hai Duong Provincial People's Council will decide on the planning of 3 industrial parks in Cam Giang, Gia Loc and Tu Ky.