Cultural life

Colleagues and friends visit actor Duc Tien

HA (according to VnE) May 21, 2024 17:50

Artists Ly Huong and My Uyen burn incense to bid farewell to actor Duc Tien and encourage his mother to overcome her pain.

Gia đình đón bạn bè, đồng nghiệp của Đức Tiến thăm viếng từ 11h ngày 21/5 tại nhà riêng ở phường Linh Đông, thành phố Thủ Đức. Từ chiều 20/5, mẹ ruột và chị gái Đức Tiến nén đau buồn để lo hậu sự cho Đức Tiến.
Duc Tien, 44 years old, had a heart attack while attending a party at a friend's house in California, USA, and was taken to the emergency room butnot surviveHis coffin is still in a hospital in the US, and the funeral is scheduled for May 29.
While doing visa procedures waiting to go to the USsee your face one last time, Ms. Ngoc Anh - 65 years old, mother of the actress - and her family held a funeral at her home in Linh Dong ward, Thu Duc city.
Đồng nghiệp, bạn bè viếng Đức Tiến - 1
Artist My Uyen (right) arrived early at the funeral. She said she took advantage of her play rehearsal schedule to visit Duc Tien's relatives. When talking about her close sister, My Uyen cried. "Until now, I still can't believe Tien has passed away because a few days ago, we were still texting each other about work. We even discussed doing some projects when Duc Tien returned to Vietnam," My Uyen said.
Diễn viên Lý Hương cùng hai chị trong nhà viếng Đức Tiến.
Ly Huong (left) and two sisters in the family visited Duc Tien.
Bạn bè, đồng nghiệp viếng Đức Tiến
Ly Huong encouraged Duc Tien's mother, saying she felt sorry for her because she couldn't see her son because of the geographical distance.
Đồng nghiệp, bạn bè viếng Đức Tiến - 4
In front of Duc Tien's portrait, Ly Huong burned incense in memory and recalled the time they were together. She said she had known him for nearly 20 years and had participated in several art projects and charity activities together. The last time they met was when Duc Tien returned to Vietnam on the occasion of the 2023 Theater Industry Anniversary in Ho Chi Minh City. "To me, Duc Tien is gentle, devoted to his work, and loves his family. I hope he rests in peace and blesses his loved ones, especially his wife and young children, with good health," Ly Huong said.
MC Anh Quân ôm lấy mẹ Đức Tiến động viên, mong bà giữ sức khỏe để còn lo mọi chuyện. Anh nói còn sốc khi hay tin dữ của người bạn thân thiết. Bà Ngọc Ánh, 65 tuổi, nghẹn ngào nói với Anh Quân rằng cả khu phố bàng hoàng khi nghe Đức Tiến mất. Họ nói một người tử tế, hiền lành như thế mà sao xấu số, bà nói.
MC Anh Quan encouraged Ms. Ngoc Anh, hoping she would stay healthy to take care of her son's funeral. He said he was still in shock after hearing the bad news about his close friend.
Ca sĩ phòng trà Diễm Phương (phải) chơi chung nhóm thiện nguyện với Đức Tiến. Cô cùng Anh Quân đến tiễn đưa người bạn, nói hai đêm qua mất ngủ vì chưa dám tin Đức Tiến đã ra đi. Theo Diễm Phương, Đức Tiến hay rủ mọi người tụ tập mỗi lần về nước. Anh hăng hái tổ chức các chương trình từ thiện giúp đỡ trẻ mồ côi để nhóm bạn tham gia.
Lounge singer Diem Phuong (right) is in the same volunteer group as Duc Tien. She said she had trouble sleeping for the past two nights because she could not believe her friend had passed away. According to Diem Phuong, Duc Tien often invited everyone to gather together every time he returned to the country. She was impressed with his enthusiasm in participating in charity programs to help orphans and people in difficult circumstances.
Lễ viếng Đức Tiến tại Việt Nam kéo dài hết ngày 22/5. Tại Mỹ, gia đình dự kiến tổ chức tang lễ cho anh hôm 29/5 ở California. Theo gia đình, họ đã mua đất vì muốn chôn cất Đức Tiến theo nguyện vọng của mẹ ruột ở Việt Nam. Bà Ngọc Ánh, 65 tuổi, nói mong sớm có visa để sang Mỹ Brief Info Center nhìn mặt con lần cuối.
The funeral of Duc Tien in Vietnam will last until May 22.

The actor's full name is Hoang Duc Tien, born in 1980, originally from Dong Nai, graduated from the University of Technical Education, Faculty of Electricity - Electronics. He has mixed blood because his grandfather was French. The actor became famous in the modeling industry in the 2000s, won the Model Star gold cup in Korea in 2010. When he entered the film industry, he attracted attention through many projects such asTreturnabout, Pearl Island Love Story, My Husband's Wife.

Duc Tien dated Binh Phuong - top 10 Miss World Vietnam 2007. They got married in 2010 and had a daughter in 2020.

HA (according to VnE)
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Colleagues and friends visit actor Duc Tien