
Gaza Strip sinks deeper into humanitarian crisis

TB (according to VNA) July 20, 2024 06:29

Anarchy is spreading in the Gaza Strip, with widespread looting, killings and shootings leaving residents facing a dire humanitarian crisis.

Người dân Palestine sơ tán tránh xung đột tại Khan Younis, Dải Gaza, ngày 2/7/2024. (Ảnh: THX/TTXVN)
Palestinians evacuate to avoid conflict in Khan Younis, Gaza Strip, July 2, 2024

The United Nations Human Rights Office (OHCHR) warned on July 19 that anarchy is spreading in the Gaza Strip, with widespread looting, killings and shootings causing people to face a serious humanitarian crisis.

Having just returned from a visit to Gaza the day before, Mr. Ajith Sunghay, Head of OHCHR Office for Gaza and the West Bank, described the killings and looting taking place in a context of a lack of law enforcement, related to Israel's dismantling of local authorities to maintain public order and safety in Gaza.

Amid the worsening humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, the new British Government has announced the resumption of funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

Britain is one of several countries that have cut aid to the agency following Israeli allegations that some UNRWA staff were involved in the 7 October Hamas attack on Israel that sparked the current conflict.

TB (according to VNA)
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Gaza Strip sinks deeper into humanitarian crisis