
Secret to arranging lotus flowers to bloom fully and keep petals from falling off

VN (according to VTC News) June 10, 2024 17:27

Lotus flowers are loved by many people and chosen to buy and display in their living space. The secret below will help you arrange lotus flowers to bloom fully and prevent petals from falling off.

The lotus is considered a symbol of purity, nobility and longevity. According to folklore, the lotus is born from mud but it still retains its purity and innocence, so this flower is a symbol of resilience and strong vitality in difficult conditions.

The period from May to August is the most beautiful lotus blooming season. This is also the time when all over the streets, flower markets sell lotus for everyone to display to decorate their living space.

Secret to arranging lotus flowers to bloom fully and keep petals from falling off

The lotus flower becomes more beautiful as it blooms, but this flower is quite "difficult to please". Just one mistake in the steps of choosing flowers and arranging flowers can easily cause the flowers to wither and fall. Therefore, to own a beautiful vase of lotus flowers, blooming fully and not losing petals for a long time, you should apply the following tips:

Choose lotus

To arrange beautiful lotus flowers with long-lasting petals, the step of choosing flowers is very important because if you buy young flowers, the flowers will not bloom. When choosing lotus flowers, you should choose flowers with slightly open mouths so that they will bloom more easily when arranged, choose fresh flowers with no signs of wilting.

Choose plump lotus buds with fresh, thick petals. Avoid crushed lotus buds or dark petals. The best time to buy lotus flowers is early in the morning, when the lotus has just been cut and brought to market.

Lotus care

Unlike many other flowers, if you want lotus flowers to stay fresh for a long time, you must take care of them. After buying the flowers, use a sharp knife to cut the base of the flower to help the flower absorb water better. Turn the bouquet upside down and use the shower in the bathroom to pour water into the base of the flower so that the water fills the holes in the flower stem.

Next, soak the lotus in a bucket of water, making sure the water covers the stems and not the flowers, for a few hours or overnight so the lotus is sufficiently hydrated. Occasionally spray the flowers with water to keep them from drying out.

Bí quyết cắm hoa sen nở căng, lâu rụng cánh (Ảnh: Pinterest)
To arrange beautiful lotus flowers with long lasting petals, choosing flowers is very important.

Lotus arrangement

After one night, the lotus has absorbed enough water and you can move on to the flower arrangement step.

When arranging lotus flowers, you should choose a suitable vase and clean it thoroughly. You can use a flower nutrient pack mixed into the water to keep the flowers fresh longer. If you do not have this nutrient pack, mix a little sugar into the water to provide nutrients for the flowers.

In addition, carbonated soft drinks, vinegar or aspirin also provide nutrients for flowers and help prevent bacteria growth to keep flowers fresh longer.

When arranging flowers, you can freely create according to your own ideas, as long as it is beautiful and suitable for your living space. With some other types of lotus such as Nghi Luong lotus, Golden Apple lotus... they need support for the flowers to bloom, so you can freely create shapes without worrying about losing petals.

Meanwhile, for lotus varieties that can bloom on their own, such as the golden lotus, the sun lotus, the mutant lotus, etc., you can let the flowers bloom on their own. This type of flower will usually bloom twice, once in the early morning, then in the afternoon the flowers will close. The next morning, the flowers will bloom again. The flower that blooms on its own is more likely to lose its petals, so you should display it in one place and not touch the vase to cause the petals to fall off.

The location of the vase should also be noted to be in a cool place, avoiding high temperatures and direct sunlight, and also avoiding places with fans and air conditioners to prevent the petals from falling.

Lotus flowers can stay at their best for about 5 to 7 days, so remember to mist the flowers occasionally to keep them from wilting.

VN (according to VTC News)
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Secret to arranging lotus flowers to bloom fully and keep petals from falling off