Whether steam baths help treat respiratory diseases is a question of interest to many people.
According to Dr. Tran Duy Hung, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Tam Anh General Hospital, Hanoi, a study in Finland on 1,935 men over 25 years showed that people who steamed 2-3 times a week had a 27% lower risk of respiratory diseases than those who rarely or never steamed.
People who regularly take saunas more than four times a week have a 41% lower risk of developing pneumonia.
Researchers say the heat from a sauna may help relieve airway congestion, the latest in a series of studies that have shown its health benefits, particularly for respiratory health.
Many studies have shown that saunas help increase lung capacity and function, improving breathing for people with respiratory diseases such as asthma and bronchitis. In addition, people who regularly take saunas are less likely to get colds, pneumonia, allergic rhinitis, upper respiratory tract infections, and enhance the body's immune response.
Sauna can improve vascular health in many ways such as reducing blood pressure, risk factors for high blood pressure, reducing the possibility of cardiovascular disease, stroke, stress, increasing blood flow and delivering nutrient-rich, oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. When you sauna, the body increases the production of good hormones such as endorphins, which have the effect of reducing stress, improving mood, and even reducing the risk of depression.
Experts stress that saunas are safe and healthy, but should not be used as a substitute for medical treatments.
Cases that should not use steam include: People with acute respiratory infections, people using sympathetic nervous system stimulants because they can cause arrhythmia while using steam; people with unstable angina; low blood pressure; severe aortic stenosis; pregnant women.
When using the steam method, you need to pay attention to replenishing enough water to avoid dehydration, do not steam for more than 20 minutes, avoid drinking alcohol, and avoid taking cold showers after steaming.
VN (according to VTC)