
Happy New Year!

VU HOANG LUYEN January 1, 2024 07:00

So the old year has passed, the new calendar on the wall, marking the first day of the year, signals a new year - a new spring has come.


Looking at the new calendar, my heart is filled with excitement, as if there is a whisper calling from afar, although there are difficulties, it promises many beautiful plans, dreams, and aspirations.

The village has just finished the October harvest. The village fields are vast. The first winds of the year keep blowing, bringing warmth and spring energy across the village fields. The last crop was a good one, with a much higher rice yield than the previous crop.

Suddenly remembering the early days of the crop, continuous rain and storms. Many areas were flooded, thought to be a crop failure. All resources were focused on preventing flooding, replanting the damaged rice areas. Then the rice took root, the whole field was lush green again. Somewhere the song echoed againOh land, do you remember the days when the fields were flooded?by musician Hoang Van in the songSinging about rice today

Today, walking on the countryside, my heart flutters remembering the past days of fighting against flooding, then fighting against drought, working hard day and night to have rice grains, potatoes... Remembering the old years of poverty, after the October harvest, the fields were abandoned, dry and cracked, with weeds everywhere, the villagers invited each other to go to all over to work for hire, going upstream to buy cassava and potatoes or going to the banks, piles of pennywort to eat instead of rice.

Now it's much different. After rice comes vegetables, "not letting the land rest, not stopping our hands". The countryside these days is bustling and busy. People drain ponds, others drain lagoons, change water to release new fish. In the village, many new houses are urgently completing the final stages, repainted brightly.

Twelve springs have passed since the launch of the new rural construction movement. Looking back, we see that our hometown has changed a lot. The muddy village roads of the past are now paved with wide, smooth concrete, with motorbikes, cars, bicycles... bustling back and forth. People's lives are becoming more and more prosperous...

Returning to my hometown, passing through the large welcome gate into the commune center, looking at the words "New Rural Commune" I felt a surge of pride. Here, my hometown, but my hometown's fields are changing every day. Before my eyes is the central irrigation river in the Bac Hung Hai irrigation system, dug since the years of peace restoration, running from Neo River through the north of Thanh Mien along the old Highway 20, through Thong Street, Cau Soi, Phu Binh and then pouring into Sat River, near Cay Wharf. A large area north of Neo River, southeast of Binh Giang, the fields are being washed of acidity and salt, turning the barren land with only reeds and sedges growing one rice crop a year into two rice crops and one crop of other crops. Also from this river, my hometown is changing and moving forward. The new rural construction movement is a great driving force, urging my hometown to move forward. There are still many difficulties ahead. The demand for agricultural economy is increasing with digital transformation and green production.

Before the new calendar of 2024, our hearts are excited, believing in further progress and more victories!

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Happy New Year!