According to General To Lam, in any circumstance, the People's Security Forces always demonstrate their political mettle, are absolutely loyal to the Party and the Fatherland, and are dedicated to serving the Fatherland and the people.
General To Lam, Politburo member, Minister of Public Security, speaks at the 77th Anniversary of the People's Security Forces' Traditional Day
On the occasion of the 77th anniversary of the People's Security Forces' Traditional Day (July 12, 1946 - July 12, 2023), General To Lam, Politburo member, Secretary of the Central Public Security Party Committee, Minister of Public Security wrote an article: "Building a truly clean, strong, disciplined, elite, modern People's Security Force, worthy of being the 'sword' protecting national security."
Below is the article by General To Lam:
During the past 77 years, since its inception, at any time of the revolutionary cause, especially when our Party, our nation, and our people faced the most difficult and challenging times, when the fate of the country was "hanging by a thread," the People's Security Force has always demonstrated absolute loyalty, wholeheartedly and wholeheartedly serving the Fatherland and the people, and has achieved outstanding feats and achievements.
The first is the feat of discovering the plot to overthrow the revolutionary government that took place on On Nhu Hau Street (now Nguyen Gia Thieu Street, Hanoi) on July 12, 1946, followed by the feats in the great national defense wars to win, to protect the entire and firm border of the Fatherland.
Entering the period of innovation, promoting industrialization, modernization of the country and international integration, under the leadership of the Party, the management of the State, the leadership, command and direction of the Central Public Security Party Committee and the Ministry of Public Security, promoting the heroic tradition, with a new spirit, new momentum and new motivation, the People's Security force is increasingly mature and comprehensively strong in terms of politics, ideology, organization and staff.
Up to now, the People's Security Force has been organized and strengthened in a concentrated, specialized, and unified manner, forming a strong, compact, and elite force and unit; equipped with increasingly advanced and modern equipment; actively and effectively participating in the development and completion of policies and laws to protect national security.
The People's Security Forces have innovated their leadership methods and working style, improved the quality and effectiveness of their professional work, actively advised the Party, the State, local Party committees and authorities to develop and implement projects, plans and schemes to protect national security, linked with socio-economic development and expanded foreign relations; clearly demonstrated the determination, closeness, proactiveness, practicality and effectiveness of a turning point in the strategy to protect national security, set an example and take the lead in realizing the goals and requirements of the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress to firmly protect national security, protect the Party, the State, the People, the socialist regime, culture and national-ethnic interests; maintained a peaceful environment, political stability, human security; built an orderly, disciplined, safe and healthy society...
Police officers of Ta Tong commune (Muong Te district, Lai Chau province) and prestigious people of the Mong ethnic group in the area visited and propagated the State's legal policies to the people.
Maintain strategic initiative in national security, prevent the formation of opposition political organizations domestically; resolutely and effectively handle many complicated security and order issues and incidents that have been pending for many years and increasingly reach the international level in the direction of "wherever the interests of Vietnamese citizens go, security work is established and guaranteed there"...
Timely fight and effectively refute wrong and hostile views and ideologies.
Be a role model and pioneer in national digital transformation, administrative reform, and apply scientific and technological achievements in performing the tasks of protecting national security, social governance, administrative reform, serving the people, creating a "breakthrough" in changing the state of operations in state management of national security, especially in the fields of immigration management, national public services...
In particular, the bravery, responsibility, and spirit of sacrifice were clearly demonstrated when participating in the frontline of the fight against the epidemic of the People's Security force.
For the first time, the People's Security Forces have sent elite officers - "peace messengers" - to join the United Nations Peacekeeping Force.
While working and fighting, the People's Security Force always focuses on summarizing practices, conducting scientific research, especially on strategic and key issues, building, supplementing, developing, and perfecting the theoretical system on policies, guidelines, and strategies for protecting national security, building a specialized, comprehensive force that is equal to the tasks in the new situation, contributing more actively and effectively to the practical work and vivid, arduous combat of the force.
Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang, member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Minister of Public Security congratulated the People's Public Security officers on their departure for the United Nations peacekeeping mission in South Sudan.
The past 77 years of practice have proven that in any circumstances, the People's Security Forces have clearly demonstrated their political mettle, absolute loyalty to the Party and the Fatherland, "knowing that as long as the Party exists, we exist," wholeheartedly serving the Fatherland and the people, overcoming all difficulties and hardships, being resourceful, creative, and courageous in fighting, defeating all plots and sabotage activities of hostile and reactionary forces, excellently completing the task of firmly protecting national security, making worthy contributions so that "Our country has never had such a foundation, potential, position, and international prestige as it does today."
With humility and all pride, it can be affirmed that the People's Security Force truly deserves to be a working army, a fighting army, a heroic army of the heroic People's Public Security of Vietnam.
In recognition of these great contributions and achievements, the Party, State and People have awarded the People's Security Force with many noble awards and titles, especially deep trust and love.
Those feats and achievements are the epic of revolutionary heroism crystallized by loyalty to the country and filial piety to the people, bearing "the wonderfully pure revolutionary nature and courageous sacrifice of generations of People's Security officers and soldiers."
In the coming time, the world and regional situation will continue to have many rapid, complex and unpredictable changes, with many unprecedented and difficult-to-foresee problems arising.
Domestically, internal problems that are detrimental to economic and social development are still fluctuating strongly; the consequences of the epidemic are still causing many difficulties for production, business and people's lives.
Hostile and reactionary forces will thoroughly take advantage of and exploit difficulties in economic and social development and international integration to step up sabotage activities, causing instability in security and order.
That situation and context pose extremely heavy tasks requiring the People's Public Security force in general, the People's Security force in particular, and a unified awareness of the urgent need to strongly innovate the thinking of protecting national security in the current situation; continue to promote the heroic tradition, inherit and highly promote the experience of 77 years of construction, fighting, and growing, unite to overcome all difficulties and challenges, excellently complete the political tasks entrusted by the Party, State and People, always worthy of being the key political force, absolutely loyal to the Party, "the sacred sword," "the solid steel shield protecting the Party;" focus on performing well the following main tasks:
President Vo Van Thuong presented a photo of Uncle Ho with officers and soldiers of the People's Public Security to the Internal Political Security Department.
Firstly, pay special attention, focus, and "strive" to realize the goal of building a "clean, strong, disciplined, elite, and modern" People's Security force by 2025; focusing on building people is the key, building a team of cadres and soldiers who are both red and professional is an important and regular task; focusing on building a force participating in protecting security and order at the grassroots level, meeting the requirements and tasks of protecting national security in the new situation. This is a very core task, the overarching focus of this entire term and the following years.
Second, maintain and strengthen the absolute and direct leadership in all aspects of the Party, the centralized and unified management of the State, the leadership, command and direction of the Central Public Security Party Committee and the leadership of the Ministry of Public Security over the People's Security forces and the work of protecting national security.
The entire People's Security Force continues to make efforts, set an example, and take the lead in effectively implementing the 4th Central Resolution of the 11th and 12th tenures and Conclusion No. 21-KL/TW of the 4th Conference of the 13th Party Central Committee on promoting Party building and rectification and the political system; resolutely prevent, repel, and strictly handle cadres and Party members who have degraded political ideology, ethics, and lifestyle, and who show signs of "self-evolution" and "self-transformation."
Strengthening political and ideological education, traditional education, protecting internal politics, and implementing well the Six Teachings of Uncle Ho to the People's Public Security.
Launch widely and effectively the patriotic emulation movement throughout the force, towards the 80th anniversary of the People's Security Force's Traditional Day (July 12, 1946 - July 12, 2026).
Third, proactively, actively and effectively advise the Party, the State, the Central Public Security Party Committee, the Ministry of Public Security, local Party committees and authorities to propose policies, laws, projects, plans and options to ensure security and order, in conjunction with socio-economic development "developing for sustainable stability" and expanding the country's foreign relations.
Resolutely and synchronously implement policies and solutions to "Maintain political stability, protect national security, ensure social order and safety in all situations, avoid being passive or surprised, and contribute to creating a peaceful, stable, secure and safe environment for national development".
Proactively prevent, concentrate resources and measures, actively attack, fight, prevent and defeat all plots and sabotage activities of hostile and reactionary forces, and handle emerging national security threats right from the grassroots.
Effectively implement projects and plans to prevent and combat protests, riots, "color revolutions," "street revolutions," and quickly and effectively handle complicated situations related to the East Sea issue...
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh awarded the First Class Fatherland Protection Medal to the Economic Security force.
Advise the Prime Minister to issue the "National Comprehensive Strategy for Prevention and Response to Non-Traditional Security Threats to 2030, with a Vision to 2045"; develop the "National Security and Safety Index to 2030, with a Vision to 2045"...
Fourth, mobilize the combined strength of the entire political system and the entire people, first of all, the leaders of Party committees and authorities at all levels to actively participate in building a posture of people's hearts, people's security, a posture of people's security associated with the entire people's national defense, a posture of all people's national defense, forming a comprehensive posture to firmly protect national security; mobilize the people to actively participate in building and consolidating the political system and protecting security and order right from the grassroots level; in any circumstance or condition, it is necessary to maintain a peaceful and stable environment, build an orderly, disciplined, secure, safe and healthy society to develop the country quickly and sustainably in the direction of socialism; not to be passive or surprised in any situation.
Fifth, continue to summarize practices, especially summarize strategies, research, supplement, and perfect laws on national security protection and building the People's Security force, ensuring a systematic, synchronous, and highly legal effect.
Promoting digital transformation, enhancing the application of modern science and technology in work in line with the development of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This is a key solution, a "breakthrough" of strategic significance, a process of transformation in thinking, awareness and action that contributes to protecting national security.
Sixth, strengthen foreign affairs and proactively integrate deeply, substantially, and effectively into the international community in the work of protecting national security, following the motto "foreign affairs go first, pave the way," in the direction of "deep, substantial, stable, and effective."
Actively participate in bilateral, regional and global security diplomacy mechanisms, strategic partnerships, comprehensive partnerships, proactively create opportunities, advantages, favorable environments and resources for the cause of protecting national security.
Promoting the glorious heroic tradition, deeply imbued with and effectively implementing the Six Teachings of Uncle Ho to the People's Public Security, with firm faith in the leadership of the Party; the People's Security force has enough courage, intelligence, responsibility and will, overcoming all challenges and dangers to excellently fulfill the assigned responsibilities, making important contributions to the cause of building and defending the Fatherland, for the strength and prosperity of the country, for the aspiration for prosperity, peace and happiness of the People.
According to VNA