Where does Vietnam's internet speed compare to the world?

March 8, 2023 20:29

The average mobile internet speed in Vietnam increased by 8 places, ranking 43rd out of 138 countries, while the fixed network increased by one place to 45th out of 179 countries surveyed by SpeedTest as of January 2023.

The online service SpeedTest - specializing in analyzing and evaluating the performance and internet access speed of network operators - has just published the Global Internet Index Report on internet speed of 179 countries and territories around the world, including Vietnam.

According to SpeedTest, the average global fixed internet connection speed is 76.34 Mbps and the average global mobile network speed is 37.98 Mbps.

The average mobile internet speed in Vietnam increased by 8 places, ranking 43rd out of 138 countries, while the fixed network increased by one place to 45th out of 179 countries surveyed by SpeedTest as of January 2023.

Specifically, the average mobile network speed in Vietnam reached 46.66 Mbps and the average fixed network speed reached 84.18 Mbps. Data provided by SpeedTest shows that the average internet speed in Vietnam is higher than the world average. However, the internet speed in Vietnam is still considered high compared to the Southeast Asia and Asia regions.

Tốc độ internet của Việt Nam cả di động lẫn cố định đều trên mức trung bình thế giới. Ảnh minh họa: Internet

Vietnam's internet speeds, both mobile and fixed, are above the world average.

In terms of fixed network speed, Vietnam is only behind Singapore (ranked 1st with an average speed of 234.55 Mbps), Thailand (ranked 6th, average speed of 201.81 Mbps), Malaysia (ranked 47th, average speed of 92.69 Mbps) and the Philippines (ranked 41st, average speed of 88.13 Mbps) in the Southeast Asian region.

In terms of mobile network speed, Vietnam ranked 3rd in the region, only after Brunei (ranked 12th, average speed 89.63 Mbps) and Singapore (ranked 19th, average speed 78.92 Mbps).

If compared within Asia, fixed and mobile network speeds in Vietnam are ranked 14th.

SpeedTest data also shows that Singapore is currently the country with the fastest fixed-line internet speed in the world with an average speed of 234.55 Mbps. Chile ranked second with an average speed of 224.84 Mbps, pushing China down to third place with an average speed of 211.34 Mbps.

Asia has 7 names in the top 20 countries and territories with the fastest internet speed in the world.

In contrast, Cuba is ranked as the country with the slowest fixed internet speed in the world, with an average access speed of only 1.84 Mbps. Countries such as Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Syria and Yemen also appear in the top 5 countries with the slowest internet speed in the world.

In terms of mobile network speed, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is currently the country with the fastest mobile network speed in the world with an average speed of 161.15Mbps. Qatar, Norway, South Korea and Denmark are the names that appear in the top 5.

Asian countries also dominate, accounting for 10 of the 20 countries and territories with the fastest mobile network speeds in the world.

Similarly, Cuba also ranked last in terms of mobile internet speed with an average speed of only 4.13 Mbps. Tajikistan, Ghana, Venezuela and Afghanistan were among the top 5 countries with the slowest mobile internet in the world.

According to Laborer

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Where does Vietnam's internet speed compare to the world?