
Russian military launches nuclear drills

TN (according to Tuoi Tre) May 23, 2024 18:24

On May 23, the Russian military officially began the first phase of the 2024 non-strategic nuclear weapons exercise, sending a warning to the West.

Hình ảnh về cuộc tập trận hạt nhân hôm 23-5 do cơ quan báo chí của Bộ Quốc phòng Nga đăng tải - Ảnh: RIA NOVOSTI
Image of nuclear exercise on May 23 posted by the press service of the Russian Ministry of Defense

RIA news agency (Russia) reported that the nuclear exercise using non-strategic nuclear weapons of the Russian army officially began today, May 23.

Previously, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the nuclear exercise on May 6. In response to international reactions, the Russian leader has repeatedly said that the exercise was not a random decision, but was part of a pre-determined plan.

RIA said the exercise was Moscow's response to "increasingly aggressive" rhetoric from Western countries about the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine.

Southern Military Region was selected

According to RIA, it is no coincidence that the Southern Military District was chosen as the location for the nuclear exercise. The Southern Military District of the Russian army is where the “special military operation” is taking place in Ukraine.

Russian observers say that holding nuclear exercises here is a warning of what will certainly happen to soldiers and military personnel of Western countries if they enter the Russia-Ukraine war.

“The exercise is aimed at maintaining the readiness of soldiers as well as completing equipment preparations for the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons in response to them (Western countries).

All to ensure the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Russia in the face of provocative statements and external threats aimed at Russia," the Russian Defense Ministry's announcement on May 23 clearly stated.

Non-strategic nuclear weapons are small warheads that can be mounted on cruise missiles, anti-ship missiles, torpedoes, launched from aircraft or fired from artillery.

Similar nuclear exercises have been held since the Soviet era. The exercise will include several phases.

In the first stage, nuclear warheads will be transferred directly from storage to military bases.

In the second phase, soldiers and military experts will assemble, test and complete technical preparations for the nuclear warheads already deployed on the aircraft carriers.

Next, they will seek permission from the supreme commander of the army to conduct actual missions.

There are both Iskander missiles and MiG-31K fighters.

As of 8:00 a.m. on May 23 (1:00 p.m. Vietnam time), the Russian military had completed transferring non-strategic nuclear weapons from storage to the locations of strike complexes in the Southern Military District.

In addition, a number of other weapons also appeared at the nuclear exercise such as the Iskander ballistic missile complex - a missile capable of carrying many different warheads, including nuclear warheads, MiG-31K interceptor fighter jets, and Kinzhal hypersonic missiles.

The Iskander system has a range of 500km, while the Kinzhal hypersonic missile with "special warheads" has a range of more than 2,000km, making even the US Patriot air defense battery within a range of 30km "neutralized".

The above 30km range is within the calculations to secure the "buffer zone" that the Russian army is trying to expand in the Kharkov area at this time, to create a siege about 10-15km from the Russia-Ukraine border.

In addition to the above-mentioned missiles, the Russian military said that they still have many types of Soviet-era nuclear artillery shells that can be used, such as the 3BV3 152mm, 2S3 Akatsiya self-propelled artillery, 2S5 Giatsint-S...

According to the Russian military, unlike strategic nuclear weapons, the non-strategic nuclear weapons they use in nuclear exercises are not covered by the START Treaty.

Therefore, Moscow can absolutely use these non-strategic nuclear weapons.

New START is the only treaty still in effect between the United States and Russia aimed at controlling the number of nuclear warheads, nuclear-capable missiles and delivery vehicles.

The treaty, which took effect in 2011, stipulates that each country cannot deploy more than 1,550 nuclear warheads and 700 intercontinental ballistic missiles.

However, Russia has not disclosed how many non-strategic weapons they currently possess. Information about storage locations and classifications are completely kept secret.

TN (according to Tuoi Tre)
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Russian military launches nuclear drills