Although Valentine's Day on February 14 has become widely popular, many people still do not know clearly about the origin of Valentine's Day as well as its true meaning.
Valentine's Day - Red Valentine takes place on February 14 every year, an occasion to honor love, express feelings and send sweet messages to the person you love. Nowadays, this holiday is associated with the image of roses, chocolate and romantic gifts, but the story of its origin is full of tragedy and pain and is associated with the sacrifice of a saint to protect the right to love of human beings.
There are various legends about the origin of Valentine's Day. One of the most popular stories involves a priest named Valentine (later known as Saint Valentine) during the turbulent times of the Roman Empire under Emperor Claudius II. The historical context of this period is known as the "Crisis of the Third Century".
This was a period when the Roman Empire was divided into three parts, and there was constant fighting. In an effort to strengthen the military power and stability of the empire, Emperor Claudius issued a harsh order: All young men were forbidden from marrying. He believed that single soldiers would be better able to fight and serve the empire than those who were married. Therefore, many couples in love could not become husband and wife.
Valentine could not ignore the earnest wishes of young couples. He secretly performed secret wedding ceremonies for lovers, even though he knew he was disobeying the king's orders. When his actions were discovered, Valentine was arrested and imprisoned. In the face of death, he remained steadfast in his beliefs and ideals. On February 14, 273, he was beheaded by order of Emperor Claudius.
The life and sacrifice of Saint Valentine became a symbol of eternal love and fidelity. February 14th gradually became recognized as a day for exchanging messages of love. Saint Valentine is honored as the patron saint of love between couples.
Another legend says that in 250, during the reign of Emperor Decius, an edict was issued to punish all those who did not worship the emperor. The edict was directed specifically at Christians, who worshiped only God. Valentine, a respected and charismatic priest, was among the Christians arrested in 268.
Emperor Claudius, Decius' successor, recognized Valentine's influence and decided to recruit him to deter others, but Valentine remained steadfast in his faith and refused all attempts to persuade him. Furious at Valentine's insubordination, Claudius ordered him imprisoned.
In prison, Father Valentine converted the jailer Asterius. With his talent and kindness, he healed Asterius's daughter and told them about God's love. Afterwards, Asterius and his entire family of 46 people asked to be baptized as Christians.
Seeing Valentine's growing influence among the Roman people and fearing for his own rule, the Roman Emperor ordered the priest's execution on February 14, 270, on the Flaminius Road. His death caused a strong emotion not only for the people but also for the entire Christian community at that time. From then on, the name Valentine became a symbol of great love.
One legend about the origin of Valentine's Day tells a story that took place in the 2nd century. A physician named Valentine was sentenced to death for his faith in Jesus. While imprisoned, he performed a miracle when he cured the jailer's daughter of blindness. The girl found her sight and they fell in love.
This love story did not have a happy ending. On February 14, the doctor was taken to be executed. Before leaving this world, he sent the girl a love letter, written below"From your Valentine" - "From my Valentine"Their story and love letter have become legendary, becoming a symbol of true love, overcoming all barriers and challenges.
Over time, February 14th has become a day for lovers. Couples celebrate this special occasion by sending each other cards with the words “From your Valentine” instead of signing their own names, as a message of lasting love and sweet Valentine wishes.
University (according to VTC News)