
Resolution of the Politburo on building and promoting the role of entrepreneurs

. October 12, 2023 05:48

Hai Duong e-newspaper respectfully introduces the full text of the Politburo's Resolution on building and promoting the role of Vietnamese entrepreneurs in the new era.

Nghi quyet Bo Chinh tri ve xay dung, phat huy vai tro cua doanh nhan hinh anh 1
President Vo Van Thuong and delegates of the Vietnam Women Entrepreneurs Association

On October 10, 2023, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong signed and issued Resolution No. 41-NQ/TW of the Politburo on building and promoting the role of Vietnamese Entrepreneurs in the new period.

Respectfully introduce the full text of the Resolution:

Resolution of the Politburo on building and promoting the role of Vietnamese Entrepreneurs in the new era


After more than 10 years of implementing Resolution No. 09-NQ/TW of the 11th Politburo on building and promoting the role of Vietnamese entrepreneurs in the period of accelerating industrialization, modernization and international integration, the awareness of Party committees, Party organizations, political and social systems has been raised; the institutionalization of the Party's viewpoints and policies on developing enterprises and entrepreneurs has been promoted; the production and business environment has been improved, becoming increasingly equal and favorable. The role of entrepreneurs and organizations representing entrepreneurs and the business community has been consolidated and promoted.

The Vietnamese business community has grown strongly in both quantity and quality, inheriting the tradition of patriotism, promoting the spirit of self-reliance and self-improvement, and the spirit of dedication to the nation; increasingly affirming its role and making important contributions to the cause of national construction and defense; a number of businesses have developed to regional and world levels, contributing to enhancing Vietnam's position and prestige in the international arena.

However, the development of the entrepreneurial team has not met the requirements of the new era; most enterprises are small-scale, with limited competitiveness, operational efficiency, business capacity, and management skills; the number of large-scale enterprises with the capacity to lead supply chains is still small; connectivity, cooperation, and the ability to take advantage of opportunities from international economic integration and the Fourth Industrial Revolution are still weak.

A number of businessmen have low ethics, business culture, awareness of law compliance, social responsibility, and national spirit. They still violate the law, collude with corrupt officials, pursue personal interests, cause damage to the State, and reduce people's trust.

Some mechanisms and policies to encourage and support businesses have been slow to be implemented and are not very effective; administrative reforms and improvements to the investment and business environment have not met requirements; and attention has not been paid to training and fostering for entrepreneurs.

The above limitations and weaknesses are mainly due to the inadequate and in-depth awareness and responsibility of some Party committees, Party organizations and authorities; propaganda, dissemination, dissemination, leadership, and direction of implementation are sometimes and in some places still formal; State management and coordination between agencies in formulating and organizing the implementation of policies and laws are not tight and regular.


1. Viewpoint

- The business community has an important position and role, and is one of the core forces contributing to promoting the cause of industrialization, modernization of the country and international integration; building and developing an independent, self-reliant economy, ensuring national defense and security. Strengthening links and cooperation among business communities, between business communities and workers, farmers and intellectuals to jointly realize the goal of national development.

- Building, honoring and encouraging a strong team of entrepreneurs with patriotism, national self-reliance, aspiration to contribute, respect for the law, contributing to the development of a prosperous and happy country.

- Strengthening the leadership role of the Party, promoting the strength of the Vietnamese business community, creating a favorable, safe and equal investment and business environment for businesses to develop and contribute is the responsibility of the Party, the State, the political system and the business community associated with the process of perfecting the socialist-oriented market economy and building a socialist rule-of-law state.

2. Objective

2.1. General objectives

Develop a strong team of entrepreneurs in terms of quantity, quality, reasonable structure, vision, intelligence, ethics, entrepreneurial spirit, legitimate enrichment, dynamism, creativity, advanced management capacity, law compliance, ethics, business culture with national identity; social responsibility, environmental protection awareness, making worthy contributions to the country's development goals.

2.2. Targets by 2030

Develop a team of Vietnamese entrepreneurs with scale, capacity and qualifications to meet the goals of industrialization and modernization of the country. Strive to have more and more enterprises reaching regional level, some enterprises reaching world level; some large enterprises playing a leading role in key industries and fields; some enterprises having important positions and roles in the global supply chain and value chain, mastering some industrial and agricultural value chains, having international competitiveness in basic, priority and spearhead industries.

2.3. Vision to 2045

Developing a team of Vietnamese entrepreneurs with scale, capacity and qualifications to meet the national development goals, high income, regional and international position and prestige; a group of enterprises with world brands, leading a number of global supply chains and value chains.


1. Raising awareness of the position and role of entrepreneurs in achieving national development goals

- Strengthen information, propaganda, mobilization, raise awareness and responsibility of Party committees, Party organizations, authorities, political systems, cadres, Party members, and people, create high unity in the Party and society about the important position and role of the business community in the process of implementing national development goals.

Nghi quyet Bo Chinh tri ve xay dung, phat huy vai tro cua doanh nhan hinh anh 2
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh with outstanding entrepreneurs in 2022.

- Focus on propagating and mobilizing the business community to deeply and fully understand the role and mission, inherit and promote national traditions, uphold patriotism, well implement the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws, contribute to building and developing an independent, self-reliant and internationally integrated economy associated with firmly ensuring national defense and security.

- Encourage the business community to strive to build business ethics and culture; study and follow Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics and style; uphold social responsibility, participate in campaigns and patriotic emulation movements. Focus on honoring and praising exemplary business people and businesses. Promote the role of press agencies in informing, propagating and encouraging the Vietnamese business community.

2. Perfecting policies and laws, creating a favorable, safe and equal investment and business environment for entrepreneurs and businesses to develop and contribute.

- Urgently review, promptly, fully and synchronously institutionalize the Party's guidelines and policies on developing the team of entrepreneurs and the business community; continue to perfect the development institutions, the socialist-oriented market economy institutions, laws on ownership, freedom of business, protection of legitimate property rights, startups, supplement appropriate economic sanctions to handle violations, not criminalize economic relations... ensure a stable, synchronous, unified, transparent and equal legal framework, especially in accessing resources on land, finance and technology; implement the public-private partnership method; promote innovation, taking people and businesses as the center and objects of service; control and eliminate privileges and monopolies in production and business.

- Pay attention to building and perfecting policies and laws on the development of Digital Economy, Digital Society, Green Economy, circular economy, sharing economy, new production and business models and fields to expand development space for entrepreneurs and enterprises; synchronously develop all types of markets, especially capital, labor, land use rights, science and technology markets. Research and deploy a controlled testing mechanism to create conditions for entrepreneurs and enterprises to make breakthroughs in a number of new, advantageous and potential fields.

- Strengthen state management, promote administrative reform, especially administrative procedure reform to improve the effectiveness of implementing the Party and State's policies and laws. Gradually expand and improve the dialogue and consultation mechanism between elected bodies and state management agencies and business people in the process of building, planning, and organizing the implementation of strategies, policies, laws, and socio-economic development plans.

- Innovate and improve the effectiveness of inspection, examination and supervision activities, ensure publicity and transparency in the relationship between state agencies, civil servants and public employees with entrepreneurs and enterprises; have mechanisms to prevent and strictly handle acts of harassment, obstruction, corruption and negativity towards entrepreneurs and enterprises. Promote the role of elected bodies, the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations in supervising the implementation of policies and laws related to entrepreneurs and enterprises.

3. Developing a strong team of entrepreneurs equal to the goals and tasks of national development in the new era

- Issue a strategy for developing a national, sectoral and local entrepreneurial team in line with the general goals, goals by 2030 and vision by 2045 on building and promoting the role of an entrepreneurial team in the new era. Have breakthrough policies to form and develop national enterprises and large-scale enterprises that play a leading role in a number of key and important sectors and fields, have an important position in the supply chain, global value chain, and master a number of industrial and agricultural value chains. Have policies to create conditions for small and medium-sized enterprises to expand their scale, improve their competitiveness, production capacity, and develop business models based on innovation, application of science and technology, Digital Economy, sharing economy, circular economy, Green Economy, environmental protection, and response to climate change. Encourage qualified individual business households to transform into enterprises.

- Arouse the spirit of entrepreneurship in the whole society, especially in new fields, among the young generation. Have priority policies to support the development of female entrepreneurs, young entrepreneurs, ethnic minority entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs operating in difficult and especially difficult socio-economic areas. Pay attention to developing cooperative economy with the core role of cooperatives.

- Create conditions for business people to have representatives participating in elected bodies, socio-political organizations and other relevant legal organizations. Research and promulgate policies to encourage and create conditions for Vietnamese business people abroad to contribute to the cause of national construction and development. State management agencies and Vietnamese representative agencies abroad strengthen their responsibility to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Vietnamese business people and enterprises at home and abroad.

- Develop a National Program on training and fostering entrepreneurs, encourage entrepreneurs from all economic sectors to participate, focus on training and fostering new issues such as digital transformation, green transformation, startups, modern business administration, legal knowledge, practical experience, new business trends, etc. At the same time, encourage successful entrepreneurs to participate in training, fostering, inspiring, and sharing experiences. Diversify cooperation activities, training and fostering links at home and abroad. Implement legal support programs, improve capacity for entrepreneurs and businesses to effectively participate in free trade agreements and Vietnam's international commitments.

4. Building ethics and business culture, promoting national spirit, arousing the aspiration to develop a prosperous and happy country

- Perfecting and mobilizing the business community to strive to implement ethical standards and business culture, associated with national identity and accessing the quintessence of world business culture is a central and long-term task in building the Vietnamese business community and enterprises. Taking ethics and business culture as the core, upholding the spirit of the rule of law; enhancing the role of business people in contributing to economic diplomacy, people-to-people diplomacy, promoting the image of the country, people and culture of Vietnam.

Nghi quyet Bo Chinh tri ve xay dung, phat huy vai tro cua doanh nhan hinh anh 3
Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan presents a portrait of President Ho Chi Minh to the Vietnam Association of Small and Medium Enterprises.

- Raise awareness and responsibility of entrepreneurs and enterprises towards society, especially in providing quality products and services; maintaining the reputation and brand of enterprises; focusing on environmental protection; condemning, preventing and resolutely handling entrepreneurs and enterprises that violate business ethics, culture and the law. At the same time, encourage entrepreneurs and enterprises to fulfill social responsibility, actively participate in activities to help people in difficult circumstances, remote areas, border areas and islands.

5. Strengthen solidarity, cooperation and association between businessmen and workers, farmers and intellectuals under the leadership of the Party.

- Promote cooperation, association and coordination of activities among businessmen; between businessmen and workers, farmers and intellectuals through diverse and appropriate forms, linked to production, business and social responsibility activities, contributing to building and promoting the strength of the great national unity bloc.

- Build harmonious, stable, progressive and substantive labor relations between enterprises and employees, promote the signing of collective labor agreements, harmoniously resolve the interests of enterprises and employees; periodically organize dialogues and conferences of employees in enterprises. Pay attention to the legitimate and legal rights of employees, especially in terms of standards, labor safety, social security, welfare, democracy at the grassroots level, and minimize labor disputes. Create conditions for trade unions to perform their functions and tasks, promote the role of a bridge between employees and businessmen and enterprises; coordinate enterprise development, build business ethics and culture, and fulfill social responsibilities.

- Exploit strengths, promote linkages and cooperation between entrepreneurs, enterprises and farmers towards building production models according to supply chains and value chains; create conditions for organizations representing entrepreneurs, enterprises and farmers to promote their role as bridges in linkages and cooperation.

- Promote links and cooperation between entrepreneurs, enterprises and intellectuals, especially scientists, leading experts, centers, research institutes, universities, etc. to promote enterprises' access to science and technology through intellectuals, linking research with testing, creating breakthroughs in production, business, technical improvements, technological innovation, increasing labor productivity for enterprises to develop quickly and sustainably; promote the bridging role of organizations representing entrepreneurs, enterprises and organizations of intellectuals.

- Strengthening linkages and cooperation between organizations of entrepreneurs and enterprises and between entrepreneurs and enterprises; between small and medium enterprises and large enterprises; between domestic enterprises and foreign-invested enterprises and foreign enterprises, creating opportunities to participate more deeply in the global supply chain and value chain; focusing on linkages and cooperation by industry, production cluster, supply chain, and value chain.

6. Promote the role of the Vietnam Federation of Commerce and Industry, organizations representing business people and enterprises

- Continue to consolidate and improve the organization, innovate the content and methods, improve the quality and efficiency of the activities of the Vietnam Federation of Commerce and Industry, effectively perform its functions and tasks as a political-social-professional organization representing the legitimate and legal rights and interests of entrepreneurs and enterprises; develop members and develop an increasingly strong organization; be a solid bridge between the Party and entrepreneurs, contributing to the cause of building and defending the Fatherland.

- The Vietnam Federation of Commerce and Industry and representative organizations play a core role in propagating, mobilizing, raising awareness and responsibility of the business community; listening, gathering, reflecting and coordinating to resolve the thoughts and aspirations of businesspeople and enterprises; participating in building, criticizing and supervising the implementation of socio-economic development policies and strategies, relevant policies and laws; participating in training and fostering businesspeople, promoting startups, gathering, linking, cooperating and supporting businesspeople and enterprises to develop sustainably; building, mobilizing, promoting and encouraging businesspeople to implement ethical standards and business culture; honoring exemplary businesspeople and enterprises.

- Continue to improve mechanisms and policies, enhance the effectiveness of the legal representative organizations of entrepreneurs and the business community. The State will research and create conditions for organizations representing entrepreneurs to participate in providing a number of appropriate public services.

7. Strengthening the leadership of the Party and the management of the State in building and promoting the role of the business community.

- Raise awareness and responsibility of Party committees and organizations at all levels in leading, directing, thoroughly grasping and concretizing the Party's guidelines and policies on building and promoting the role of the business community. Focus on developing Party members, building Party organizations in enterprises; innovate the Party's leadership methods in all types of enterprises to meet the requirements of the new period.

- Develop a coordination mechanism between the Party Committee and the collective leadership of enterprises to promote the role of the Party Committee, Party organizations and Party members. Promote the implementation of the policy of admitting Party members who are private business owners who meet the standards and conditions. Establish grassroots Party organizations in industrial parks, export processing zones and industrial clusters where conditions are met. Build grassroots Party organizations in Vietnamese enterprises investing abroad and enterprises with foreign investment capital in Vietnam.

- Innovate the content and methods of operation of socio-political organizations in enterprises, especially trade unions and youth unions, in accordance with the type, location, nature and scale of operations of enterprises. Innovate the method of state management in the direction of taking people and enterprises as the center, properly performing the functions and tasks of the State in the socialist-oriented market economy, focusing on the relationship between the State - enterprises - workers; strengthen guidance for mass organizations to coordinate with entrepreneurs and enterprises in their activities.


1. Provincial and municipal Party Committees, Party committees, Party delegations, Party executive committees, Party committees directly under the Central Committee, Party committees of Central public service units shall organize research, dissemination, and direction of the development of programs and plans to implement the Resolution; strengthen inspection, evaluation, and periodically review and summarize the implementation of the Resolution.

2. The Party Delegation of the National Assembly and the Party Executive Committee of the Government lead and direct the review, amendment, supplementation and improvement of laws, prioritize policies and laws to innovate mechanisms and policies, and facilitate the development of entrepreneurs and enterprises.

Nghi quyet Bo Chinh tri ve xay dung, phat huy vai tro cua doanh nhan hinh anh 4
Standing member of the Secretariat Vo Van Thuong and Head of the Central Economic Commission Tran Tuan Anh presented the trophy to the top 10 outstanding young Vietnamese entrepreneurs in 2022.

3. The Government Party Executive Committee leads and directs the development of action programs to implement the Resolution, national strategy for developing a team of entrepreneurs, and national programs on training and fostering entrepreneurs.

4. The Party Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations shall lead and direct the promotion of propaganda, mobilization, gathering, encouragement, and honoring of outstanding entrepreneurs; supervise and provide social criticism, and promote the role of entrepreneurs in building the great national unity bloc.

5. The Central Propaganda Department shall preside over and coordinate with relevant agencies to organize the dissemination and implementation of the Resolution.

6. The Party Delegation of the Vietnam Federation of Commerce and Industry shall coordinate with the Party Executive Committee, Party Delegation, Provincial and Municipal Party Committees to organize the implementation of the Resolution according to assigned functions and tasks; promptly propose solutions to remove difficulties and obstacles, and resolve new issues arising in the process of implementing the Resolution.

7. The Central Economic Committee shall preside over and coordinate with the Party Delegation of the Vietnam Federation of Commerce and Industry and relevant agencies to regularly monitor, urge, supervise, inspect, periodically summarize, and report to the Politburo and the Secretariat on the results of the implementation of the Resolution.

This resolution is disseminated to the Party cell..

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Resolution of the Politburo on building and promoting the role of entrepreneurs