Doing a good job of dialogue helps the leaders of the Hai Duong Provincial Military Command and the District Military Command promptly direct the resolution of difficulties and problems in the unit. This is also an effective channel to grasp the thoughts and aspirations of the troops.
Help soldiers "open their hearts"
In mid-July, Colonel Vu Hong Anh, member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee and Commander of the Hai Duong Provincial Military Command, had a dialogue with officers and staff of the Military Commands of Tu Ky and Thanh Mien districts.
At the conference, most opinions expressed high consensus and agreement with the leadership and management of the unit commander in the process of performing the task. Some opinions proposed to the leaders of the Provincial Military Command to pay more attention to the military uniform regime, seniority awards, and solutions to enrich the spiritual life of officers and soldiers...
Acknowledging and accepting the opinions at the dialogue, Colonel Vu Hong Anh thoroughly answered the issues within his authority, while emphasizing that the spiritual life of officers and soldiers is very important. Therefore, the District Military Command is interested in establishing and maintaining cultural and sports groups and clubs, enriching the spiritual life of soldiers. Major, professional soldier, Nguyen Van The, staff of the Tu Ky District Military Command's General Staff, said: "After being accepted and answered by the leaders of the Provincial Military Command in an open and frank spirit, I understood and felt secure in carrying out my duties, without any more worries."
Through the form of direct questions and answers about issues close to the reality of soldiers' lives, the rights and responsibilities of officers and soldiers were expressed. In addition, officers and soldiers also contributed many ideas to build the unit, helping them to mature and become more confident in the military environment.
According to Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Dinh Hoang, Commander of the Hai Duong City Military Command, democratic dialogue is the “key” to helping soldiers “open up”, thereby creating solidarity and unity within the unit. “Democratic dialogue helps commanders solve ideological problems of soldiers at the root, grasp the actual results of the unit’s task performance in order to have appropriate leadership and direction measures,” said Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Dinh Hoang.
Variety of formsdialogue
Democratic dialogue activities in the Army are regulated in Circular No. 165/2018/TT-BQP dated December 1, 2018 of the Minister of National Defense on the organization and operation of military councils in the Vietnam People's Army. On a quarterly basis, the leaders of the Provincial Military Command conduct dialogues with officers and employees of agencies and units in the provincial armed forces. The leaders of the District Military Command also conduct dialogues with officers and employees in the unit on a monthly basis.
“Softening” the content and method of dialogue is a way to implement the grassroots democracy regulations. In order for democratic dialogue to not only be a formality, many agencies and units under the Provincial Military Command also conduct democratic dialogue through collecting opinions from “survey forms”, enhancing dialogue in the spirit of “listening to the soldiers, speaking so that the soldiers understand”; integrating dialogue into activities on the Law Day and the Political and Cultural Spiritual Day. This is also considered an important channel to grasp the thoughts and aspirations of cadres and soldiers.
Colonel Ho Sy Quyen, Political Commissar of the Hai Duong Provincial Military Command, said that thanks to the expansion of democracy, discipline has been tightened; the working methods and styles of cadres at all levels have been promptly rectified. Democratic dialogue is promoting the spirit of "soldiers know, soldiers discuss, soldiers supervise, soldiers inspect", contributing to building a strong, comprehensive, "exemplary, typical" agency.