To avoid wasting every inch of gold and to promote effective use, the leaders of Hai Duong Provincial People's Committee have directed and intervened to remove obstacles at each recovered land plot.
Resolutely direct to remove obstacles
In recent times, especially since the beginning of 2024, the leaders of Hai Duong Provincial People's Committee have given drastic directions to remove obstacles and speed up the handling of recovered land in the province.
In early February 2024, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requested the Department of Natural Resources and Environment to urgently advise on the auction of land use rights and assets on land at land plot No. 167 Bach Dang (Hai Duong City). Proactively prepare necessary conditions to promptly advise the Provincial People's Committee on the auction plan for a number of land plots recovered from enterprises in Hai Duong City, Kinh Mon Town and Cam Giang and Kim Thanh Districts. Synthesize and review proposals from district-level People's Committees with demand for land plots that are not eligible for auction to advise the Provincial People's Committee to consider and decide to transfer that land fund to the district-level People's Committees for management and exploitation. Request the Department of Finance to continue to preside over advising on determining the remaining value of assets attached to land that must be returned for 3 land plots recovered from Vinafood I Hai Duong Joint Stock Company in Cam Giang District and Kinh Mon Town. Proactively advise and determine the starting price for auctioning land use rights and assets on land for land plots with a value of less than 20 billion VND according to the province's land price list. The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requested the People's Committees of districts, towns and cities: Hai Duong, Chi Linh, Kinh Mon, Ninh Giang, Gia Loc, Cam Giang, Kim Thanh, Nam Sach to review and adjust planning, land use plans, construction planning to ensure consistency and unity to soon implement auctions of land plots in the area...
From February 27 to March 5, 2024, the Steering Committee for rearranging and handling state-owned houses and lands in the province, chaired by Mr. Tran Van Quan, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee and Head of the Steering Committee, worked with districts, towns and cities to urge the acceleration of the sale of public assets and public lands, including recovered lands managed by the Land Fund Development Center.
On March 8, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee assigned the Department of Natural Resources and Environment to guide the district level to urgently review and submit additional houses and land that have not been updated and added to the planning, land use plan, and land recovery list, and prioritize speeding up the extraction and measurement of land plots. At the same time, the Land Fund Development Center was directed to closely coordinate with the People's Committees of districts, towns, and cities to review all houses and land to complete the auction procedures; in case of problems that do not meet the auction conditions, they will be handed over to the locality for management and handling according to regulations...
Implementing the direction of the province, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment has urged and requested localities to urgently focus on directing the resolution and removal of specific obstacles at each land plot.
The representative of the Department of Finance also said that the department has coordinated with localities and related units to review, classify, and advise the province to direct the removal of obstacles related to assets on land. Currently, the obstacles have been basically resolved, with specific solutions. In the coming time, the department will continue to coordinate with the Department of Natural Resources and Environment and units to effectively implement solutions according to the direction of the province, speeding up the progress of auctioning land plots.
Hope to revive "dead" lands
Through the reporter's investigation, up to now, many localities have reviewed and proposed specific solutions for each recovered land area. The People's Committee of Hai Duong City proposed that the Provincial People's Committee hand over the recovered land area of the International Food Industry Company Limited in Thanh Binh Ward to the People's Committee of Hai Duong City for management to implement the construction of the cultural house in Zone 9, Thanh Binh Ward and clear the project area according to the approved planning, creating a clean area for the auction of land use rights to select investors to implement the Ngo Quyen high-rise mixed-use housing project.
Cam Giang District People's Committee also proposed that the province hand over two land plots recovered from Vinafood I Hai Duong Joint Stock Company in Tan Truong commune and Cam Giang town to local management for production, business and to serve local needs.
Kinh Mon Town People's Committee has developed a plan and proposed to hand over the recovered land area of Vicem Hoang Thach Cement One Member Co., Ltd. to the Town People's Committee to auction the right to use residential land and make a community activity area for the residential area. Regarding the recovered land of Vinafood I Hai Duong Joint Stock Company in Phu Thu Ward, after adjusting the planning, the town will auction it for residential use. As for the 2 recovered land areas of Hai Duong Mineral Exploitation and Processing Joint Stock Company in Minh Tan Ward, the town proposed to hand them over to the locality to make a centralized waste treatment area of the town...
The representative of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment informed that the department has assigned the Land Fund Development Center to preside over and coordinate with relevant departments and the People's Committees of districts, towns and cities to implement solutions to completely remove obstacles and soon put the land into effective use. The specialized units of the department are focusing on carrying out the work to auction 7 land plots in 2024. In particular, the Land Fund Development Center is implementing steps to organize the auction of the land plot planned for a 5-star hotel and mixed-use apartment building in Hai Duong city; estimating the auction cost, proactively carrying out the work according to regulations to promptly implement immediately after the Provincial People's Committee approves the auction plan for land plot No. 167 Bach Dang (Hai Duong city). Professional units are also proposing an estimate of the auction cost, proactively carrying out the work to promptly implement it right after the Provincial People's Committee approves the auction plan for two land plots at Chi Lang market, Nguyen Trai ward and Phu Luong market, Ngoc Chau ward (Hai Duong city); the land plot at No. 19 Tran Hung Dao street (Hai Duong city); the recovered land plot in An Lam commune (Nam Sach) and the recovered land plot of Xuan Loc One Member Co., Ltd. in Phu Thu ward (Kinh Mon)...
With the strong direction of the provincial leaders and the active participation of departments, branches and localities, it is hoped that the "dead" land funds will soon be revived, effectively promoting the "inch of land, inch of gold" policy.