
Pig price in Hai Duong is the highest in the past 3 years

PV June 11, 2024 13:01

According to some pig farmers in Hai Duong province, the current selling price of live pigs in the province is from 69,000-70,000 VND/kg, this price has been maintained for nearly 2 weeks. Many farmers said this is the highest price in the past 3 years.

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The price of live pigs at 69,000-70,000 VND/kg has been maintained for nearly 2 weeks now.

According to the assessment of some livestock households, this price increased from 32,000-34,000 VND/kg compared to the time when the price of live pigs in the province reached its lowest level in October 2021.

According to the law, the price of live pigs usually decreases in the summer when consumer demand decreases compared to cold weather. However, this year, the pork market has had irregular developments. The increase in live pigs comes from the reason that supply cannot meet demand. According to the provincial Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, as of early June, Hai Duong's total pig herd reached 439,422 heads, an increase of 4.9% over the same period in 2023, of which the herd of meat pigs reached 299,820 heads, an increase of 5.2%. The output of live pigs for slaughter in May is estimated at 5,955 tons, an increase of 5.2% over the same period last year. Although the total herd of meat pigs and meat output of the province has increased, it is still not enough to meet the demand due to the irregular increase.

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Pig price in Hai Duong is the highest in the past 3 years