Thanks to the Party, people's lives are more prosperous and beautiful. Although they are not Party members, the people's gratitude to the Party, love and trust in the Party are always loyal and boundless.
"The Party is like a gentle mother"
Ninety-five years of celebrating the Party's birthday/The sun has shone brightly/Vietnam has the Party born/Leading the nation out of the time of misery,For many years now, on every anniversary of the Party's founding, old farmer Nguyen Trong Pho, 85 years old, in Thuy Lam village, Doan Tung commune (Thanh Mien) has composed a poem to read to his children and grandchildren. In recent years, after being guided by his children and grandchildren to use a smartphone, he has even posted it on his personal Facebook page for friends near and far to read. The words he writes may not be polished, the poem may not follow the rules, but anyone who reads it can feel the sincerity and honesty.
Talking to us, Mr. Pho shared that he wrote poems about the Party and Uncle Ho since he was active in the Youth Union in the commune, participating in the irrigation cheerleading team when he was only eighteen or twenty. He said that he considered each poem a flower to offer to the Party as if offering to his mother. Having lived through the days of extreme hunger and deprivation, now seeing the country and homeland developing more and more, Mr. Pho was moved to say: “My parents gave birth to 10 children, I am the youngest in the family. In 1945, when I was 5 years old, my father was seriously ill, there was no medicine to treat him so he passed away. At that time, there was a shortage of food, let alone medicine. Thanks to the Party's leadership, I am alive today, have a better, more prosperous life, and am very happy.”
Having participated in local mass activities and failed to become a party member when he was young, Mr. Pho has always devoted himself to the Party, always been a diligent, exemplary and prestigious farmer, loved by everyone. In the village and commune, whenever there is a movement or activity that needs him, Mr. Pho is always ready to take the lead and contribute. “I have 5 children, of which the second son participates in the work, the rest are attached to the fields, doing freelance work. I always tell my children that no matter what they do, whether they are party members or the masses, they must be grateful to the Party, must be good citizens, and be ready to contribute to the common good,” Mr. Pho shared.
This is the first time in my life that I have attended such a big and solemn event! Ms. Luc Thi Hoa, 35 years old, in Hien Thanh ward, Kinh Mon town shared with us when in October 2024, she was honored to be one of the typical mass delegates of the province attending the 10th National Congress of the Provincial Fatherland Front, term 2024-2029.
Ms. Hoa is from Quang Ninh province, is a San Diu ethnic group, and follows Catholicism. Having been a daughter-in-law for more than ten years, she said that living in her husband's hometown Kinh Mon is like living in her own home, and she has long felt at home. Previously, she worked as a cook, but was not stable. Since getting married, she has worked as a factory worker just a few kilometers away from home. Her husband works as a car repairman at home, so family life is warm and happy.
Despite her busy schedule, Ms. Hoa always tries to arrange her time to complete her work at the company and at home, actively participating in movements at the enterprise and locality. Ms. Hoa was trained by the Women's Union of Hien Thanh Ward to create a source of Party members.
These days, sharing the joy with the people of Kinh Mon town, Ms. Hoa is very excited to witness the big event - the town is upgraded to a class III urban area. Looking at the roads around her house, spacious and splendidly decorated with flags and flowers, Ms. Luc Thi Hoa excitedly said: "When I got married, my hometown was still a commune, life was still difficult, then later it was upgraded to a ward. After only 5 years of upgrading to a ward, I see the economy developing and life becoming much more civilized."
Previously, from Hai Duong city, to go to Hong Duc commune, now merged with Van Phuc commune to become Duc Phuc commune (Ninh Giang), we had to ask for directions several times. Since the North-South provincial road ran through the commune, it only took us about 20 minutes to drive here. Most of the people are still attached to the fields, but life has changed a lot, the appearance of the countryside is more spacious. The average income of people in the commune is 75 million VND per year. The remaining poor households in the locality are those in especially difficult circumstances.
Taking us to the commune's conversion area a few hundred meters from the North-South axis, Mr. Doan Van Kiem, Vice Chairman of the Commune People's Committee, said that convenient transportation has helped the local people's aquaculture strengths to be further promoted in recent years. In just 3-4 years, the aquaculture area in the commune has increased from more than 60 hectares to nearly 100 hectares with over 100 households, with a total annual revenue of more than 132 billion VND.
For nearly 4 years now, Ms. Nguyen Thuy Linh in Mai Dong village, Duc Phuc commune has quit her job at the company to stay home and manage the work in the conversion area. Ms. Linh's family's house is considered the most spacious and beautiful in the neighborhood. Talking to us, Ms. Linh said that if the weather is favorable and there are no epidemics, she can earn more than 150 million VND per year from raising several fish ponds. Her husband also works as a truck driver, so their finances are quite good.
“I think the Party and State’s policy of converting low-lying fields to aquaculture and then building roads to make it easier for people to travel and produce is very right and in line with the people’s wishes. Along with having a good income, the biggest benefit is that I have more time to take care of my family and children,” Linh shared.
Duc Phuc is currently one of the communes with the largest aquaculture area in Ninh Giang district and high efficiency.
Mr. Pho, Ms. Hoa, Ms. Linh and many people we met made us feel that their feelings and trust in the Party were pure, selfless and simple. Everyone was happy that the Party was about to have a new year, believing that under the leadership of the Party, the future would certainly be brighter and better.