
What is the penalty for parking at the turn?

University (according to VTC News) September 13, 2024 10:23

Parking at the turn is an act of obstructing traffic, so what is the penalty for parking at the turn?

Đỗ xe ở lối rẽ là vi phạm luật giao thông đường bộ. (Ảnh: Vietnamnet)
Parking at the turn is a violation of road traffic laws.

According to Clause 1, Article 18 of the 2008 Road Traffic Law, stopping a vehicle is a temporary stationary state of a vehicle for a certain period of time, enough for people to get on or off the vehicle, load or unload goods or perform other work.

According to Clause 2, Article 18 of the 2008 Road Traffic Law, parking is a stationary state of a vehicle for an unlimited period of time.

Where are drivers not allowed to stop or park?

Clause 4, Article 18 of the 2008 Road Traffic Law stipulates that vehicle drivers are not allowed to stop or park vehicles in the following locations:

- Left side of one way street

- On curves and near the top of slopes, visibility is obstructed.

- On the bridge or under the overpass

- Parallel to another stopped or parked vehicle.

- On the crosswalk

- At intersections and within 5 meters from the edge of the intersection

- Bus stop

- In front of the gate and within 5 meters on both sides of the gate of the headquarters of the agency or organization

- On the road section with enough width for one lane

- Places that conceal road signs

- Within the safety range of the railway

Accordingly, parking at intersections on roads is against the provisions of the Road Traffic Law.

What is the penalty for parking at the turn?

Clause 3, Article 5 of Decree 100/2019/ND-CP, amended by Article 2 of Decree 123/2021/ND-CP, stipulates penalties for drivers of cars and similar vehicles violating road traffic rules as follows:

Fines from VND 800,000 to VND 1 million shall be imposed on drivers who stop or park at road intersections or within 5 meters from the edge of intersections; bus stops, pick-up and drop-off points...

Thus, parking at the turn will be fined from 800,000 to 1 million VND.

University (according to VTC News)
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What is the penalty for parking at the turn?