The grapefruit growing area eligible for export to the United States covers an area of 15 hectares in Lap Le village, Thanh Hong commune.
The US Department of Agriculture has approved the recognition of the grapefruit growing area code in Lap Le village, Thanh Hong commune (Thanh Ha) as eligible for export to this market.
The Plant Protection Department requested the Department of Cultivation and Plant Protection of Hai Duong province to notify households participating in the growing areas that have been granted codes to start producing and exporting fresh grapefruit and comply with US regulations. Strengthen supervision to ensure that the growing areas always maintain and comply with the regulations of the importing country...
The grapefruit growing area eligible for export to the United States covers an area of 15 hectares in Lap Le village, Thanh Hong commune, with 59 farming households participating in production. This is the only grapefruit growing area in the province that has been granted a code, with an average yield of 20 - 25 tons/crop.