Regular maintenance of motorcycle systems helps increase lifespan, increase operating capacity, and easily detect damage and wear early.
According to the advice of experts and motorbike repair and maintenance workers, the owner should change the oil for the first time when the motorbike has traveled 500 to 1,000km. After that, every next time the motorbike has traveled 2,000km for new motorbikes or 1,000 - 15,000km for old motorbikes, the oil will be changed again.
For brake fluid and brake pads, according to the manufacturer's recommendation, car owners should repair and replace brake pads and brake fluid after 15,000 - 20,000km.
Experts recommend regular motorbike maintenance (Illustration photo)
After about 5,000 - 6,000 km, you should clean the scooter's pot to help remove dirt formed from long-term vehicle operation.
According to the manufacturer's recommendation, the fuel injector should be cleaned after the vehicle has run about 8,000 - 10,000 km to avoid the vehicle stalling easily, wasting fuel, the engine not running smoothly and especially increasing the concentration of emissions causing environmental pollution.
You should also change the air filter every 8,000 – 10,000km to keep your car in the best condition. If the air filter is too dirty, the fuel will not burn completely, the car will be weak, lose power, waste fuel and emit black smoke, polluting the environment.
Motorcycle tires have a lifespan of 15,000 - 20,000km, so they need to be checked and replaced periodically for safety when traveling. Especially if the tire is cracked, worn or punctured many times, it should be replaced.
Spark plugs have the role of generating electric sparks between 2 electrodes to ignite the mixture of air and gasoline from the carburetor into the combustion chamber. You should regularly check and replace this accessory to ensure the operation of your motorbike. It needs to be replaced or periodically maintained every 8,000km.
In addition, there will be many other items that need to be checked regularly such as coolant, brake system, shock absorbers, electricity, lights, horn...
TB (summary)