Toothpaste contains mild abrasives so it can also be an ideal cleaning agent for dealing with household stains, dirt or surface scratches very effectively.
Remove Marker Pen Stains
Marks made with felt-tip pens and crayons are often a headache to erase. Just take a pea-sized amount of toothpaste on a clean microfiber cloth and rub in a circular motion, the mark will disappear quickly.
Reduce foot odor
Before going to bed at night, you can apply toothpaste on the soles of your feet, leave it for about 5 minutes, then soak your feet in a basin of water to wash. This helps reduce foot odor effectively.
Remove crayon stains from walls
If your child draws with crayons on the wall, don’t panic. Simply apply a small amount of white toothpaste to a soft cloth or sponge and gently rub the crayon marks to remove them.
Polishing silver or jewelry
If your silver or jewelry has tarnished, toothpaste can restore its sparkle. First, squeeze a pea-sized amount of toothpaste onto a microfiber cloth or old toothbrush. Then, rub the toothpaste onto the silver in a circular motion to polish and remove any tarnish. Leave for about 5 minutes before rinsing the toothpaste off with warm water and patting dry.
Be sure to choose one that does not contain tartar control agents, whitening agents, and do not use on diamonds or gemstones as this may scratch the surface of the product.
Toothpaste can be a very effective silver jewelry cleaner. Photo: Tom Guide
Clean kitchen and bathroom fixtures
A pea-sized amount of toothpaste on a soft cloth will polish your sink and chrome in no time. Just apply the paste before rinsing and wiping with a dry cloth. This will also help remove water spots and restore the shine.
Cleaning a Burnt Iron
You can easily clean the scorched surface of your iron by using toothpaste. Note, you need to wait for the iron to cool completely before applying toothpaste on it. Let it sit for a few minutes before rubbing the stain with a towel or microfiber cloth. When the stain is gone, rinse the soleplate with water, and keep it dry.sureno trace of toothpaste residue left.
Whitening sportswear
If your shoes have dirty toe caps or rubber soles, put a little toothpaste on an old toothbrush and start scrubbing the area. Then wipe off the toothpaste residue with a clean, damp cloth and let it dry.
Refresh dull leather
If your leather bag, jacket, shoes or even sofa has scratches or stains, toothpaste is a great polish. Simply dab a little toothpaste on a soft cloth and rub it into the leather to clean it. Then, wipe away the residue with a damp cloth and let it dry. This will bring back the shine to your leather items.
Tea and coffee stain remover
To remove tea or coffee stains from your table, simply wipe them off by applying toothpaste and rubbing gently with a microfiber cloth. This will easily remove the stain without damaging the surface. Toothpaste can also be used to remove water stains from wood and walls in a short time.
Clean the bathroom sink
Although toothpaste stains are common in sinks, they can also be used to clean sinks. Just add toothpaste to a damp sponge and wipe around, then rinse with clean water and dry. You can also use toothpaste to tackle soap scum or scale.
According to VnExpress