
Birth rate drops sharply, China surveys nationwide population change

According to Tin Tuc newspaper October 10, 2023 22:00

China's National Bureau of Statistics will launch a nationwide sample survey on population changes in November to help better plan policies amid low birth rates.

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Medical staff take care of a newborn baby at a hospital in Anhui province, China.

The scope of the population change survey will focus on urban and rural areas across the country, according to Chinese media on October 10. The National Bureau of Statistics of China said the plan will help “accurately and promptly monitor changes in China’s population development and provide a basis for the Communist Party and the government to formulate policies related to population, social development and national economy.”

The survey will take place from November 1, and the authorities have not yet announced details of how many people will be surveyed. A government survey agency will visit households to collect data or ask respondents to fill out questionnaires online, Reuters reported.

China’s population will decline for the first time in six decades in 2022. China is also facing a rapidly aging population, and Beijing has been trying a series of measures to boost the birth rate, including financial support and increased childcare facilities.

China's last decennial census was in November 2020, with results showing the population grew at its slowest pace since the first modern population survey in the 1950s.

Chinese media often associate population growth with the country’s strength and “rejuvenation.” Meanwhile, China’s birth rate has fallen, and people are concerned about the difficulties of raising children. The high cost of childcare and the risk of sacrificing their careers have discouraged many women from having more children, or even choosing not to have children at all.

Gender discrimination and traditional stereotypes about women caring for children remain widespread across the country. In recent months, the government has stepped up advocacy for shared child-rearing responsibilities, but paternity leave remains limited in most provinces.

According to Tin Tuc newspaper
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Birth rate drops sharply, China surveys nationwide population change