
The Paris Court of Appeals ruled on Tran To Nga's Agent Orange lawsuit on August 22.

TN (according to Vietnam+) May 8, 2024 07:46

Ms. Tran To Nga said that the lawyers representing the companies have revealed many weaknesses such as only clinging to "immunity" to avoid responsibility; lacking solidarity and coordination in protecting clients...

Bà Trần Tố Nga gặp gỡ những người ủng hộ và phát biểu tại sự kiện hôm 4/5. (Ảnh: Thu Hà/TTXVN)
Ms. Tran To Nga met with supporters and spoke at the event on May 4.

On May 7, the Paris Court of Appeal opened a hearing related to a civil lawsuit between Ms. Tran To Nga, a French citizen of Vietnamese origin, suing 14 multinational chemical corporations that provided the US military with Agent Orange/dioxin for use during the Vietnam War.

After three hours of intense debate between lawyers, the Paris Court of Appeal judge announced that he would issue a verdict on August 22.

According to VNA reporters in Paris, from 8am, supporters of Ms. Tran To Nga were present in front of the Paris Court. They came to attend the trial of the small 82-year-old French woman of Vietnamese origin, who dared to confront giant chemical corporations alone for over 10 years.

Not only wanting to express their support for this woman with extraordinary willpower, the attendees also wanted to see that justice would prevail and that the voice of the representative of Vietnamese Agent Orange victims would be heard and understood by the Paris Court.

The courtroom was packed. There were not enough chairs, so many people had to stand throughout the three-hour trial. At the back of the room sat three judges listening to each side's arguments.

Two volunteer lawyers who helped Ms. Tran To Nga in the lawsuit, Bertrand Repolt and William Bourdon, argued that the chemical companies that supplied herbicides to the US military for use on the Vietnam battlefield must be responsible for their actions and should not enjoy "immunity" because they serve the US State.

The lawyers asserted that there was sufficient evidence to show that these businesses participated in the bidding voluntarily, had the right to decide on the production, as well as the content of dioxin in the herbicide supplied to the US military in Vietnam during the period 1961-1971. These actions caused catastrophic consequences for the people and environment of Vietnam, lasting to this day.

Ms. Tran To Nga herself, their client, is a victim of this poison and has suffered very serious consequences such as losing her first child, her other children's health being affected, and herself suffering from cancer... The lawyers also stated that the right to a trial is Ms. Tran To Nga's basic right and hope to be able to regain justice for the victim.

Many politicians, deputies, mayors of districts of Paris and neighboring cities, representatives of left-wing parties, and environmental activists attended and expressed their support.

For their part, lawyers representing 14 chemical companies denied their clients' responsibility, asserting that these companies acted at the request of the US military, and therefore they invoked "immunity" which allows a State to avoid prosecution in the courts of another country, thereby denying responsibility for the consequences caused by the companies' products on the battlefield in Vietnam.

After 3 hours of debate, the judges took note of each side's opinions and said they would issue a verdict on August 22.

Speaking to reporters after the trial, lawyers representing Ms. Tran To Nga said each side had arguments to defend their arguments. The defendants argued that they enjoyed immunity because they acted under the authorization of the US State, which under international law does not allow its courts to judge or prosecute another country.

Ms. Tran To Nga's lawyers affirmed that they do not intend to sue the US government, but only want to present evidence to demand that chemical companies take responsibility for the production of Agent Orange, proactively, independently, and for commercial purposes, making profits from that toxic product.

Attorney Bertrand Repolt said the US Court itself had concluded that herbicides were not weapons of war, so these companies were not entitled to immunity. Meanwhile, attorney William Bourdon affirmed his belief in this legal battle.

Sharing with the press, Ms. Tran To Nga said that the lawyers representing the companies have revealed many weaknesses such as only clinging to "immunity" to avoid responsibility; lacking solidarity and coordination in protecting clients; using baseless attacks to bring down the opponent, who is just a sick, old and weak woman, but can gather the support of hundreds of thousands of people.

"Seeing their weakness, I also feel stronger. Even after the end of the trial, they left quietly, but my lawyers stayed, everyone stayed with me. This shows that my struggle is supported because it is just and noble. And if we go together, me, you and the press, we will reach the destination," Ms. Tran To Nga affirmed and expressed her determination to pursue the lawsuit to the end.

Many overseas Vietnamese, French friends and representatives of the Association of Agent Orange Victims, present at the trial, also expressed their support for Ms. Tran To Nga, because this is a symbolic fight, not only for Ms. Tran To Nga personally but also for the benefit of millions of Agent Orange victims in Vietnam and around the world.

TN (according to Vietnam+)
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The Paris Court of Appeals ruled on Tran To Nga's Agent Orange lawsuit on August 22.