The Government issued Decree 28/2024/ND-CP dated March 6, 2024 detailing the procedures for considering and posthumously awarding the "Glorious Youth Volunteer Medal" and the commendation and summary of resistance achievements.
The Decree stipulates the time frame for calculating rewards as follows:
1- The period of resistance against French colonialism from July 15, 1950 to July 20, 1954.
2- The period of resistance against American imperialism from July 21, 1954 to April 30, 1975:
- Fight against American imperialism in the North;
- Fight against American imperialism in the South;
- Performed a mission to help Laos from May 1972 to December 1975.
3- Period of defending the Fatherland:
- Southwestern border war from May 1975 to January 7, 1979;
- Northern border war from February 1979 to December 31, 1988;
- Performed mission to help Laos from May 1975 to December 31, 1988;
- Performed international duties in Cambodia from January 1979 to August 31, 1989;
- Hunting down Ful-ro from May 1975 to December 1992.
The Decree clearly states that Youth Volunteers with achievements in resistance wars, defending the Fatherland, completing their tasks, and serving in the army for 24 months or more will be awarded or posthumously awarded the "Glorious Youth Volunteer Medal".
Youth volunteers who sacrificed their lives while on duty in resistance wars to protect the Fatherland and were recognized as martyrs were posthumously awarded the "Glorious Youth Volunteer Medal".
According to the Decree, Youth Volunteers are considered for awarding and posthumously awarding the "Glorious Youth Volunteer Medal" once.
When considering awards, youth volunteers will have their working time accumulated within the above-mentioned time frames to ensure they meet the criteria for consideration and posthumous award of the "Glorious Youth Volunteer Medal".
The "Glorious Youth Volunteer Medal" shall not be awarded or posthumously awarded in the following cases: Convicted by a court verdict or decision with legal effect of one of the crimes of violating national security or other crimes punishable by imprisonment, or participating in sabotage of the regime, the Party, the State, desertion, betrayal, or repatriation, and being deprived of preferential treatment according to the provisions of law on preferential treatment for people with revolutionary contributions.
The Decree clearly states that the Youth Volunteers' application dossier includes: (*)
1- Application form for awarding the "Glorious Youth Volunteer Medal" according to Form No. 01 in Appendix I attached to this Decree.
In case the Youth Volunteer is old, weak or has sacrificed or passed away, the representative of the relative shall make a declaration according to Form No. 02 in Appendix I attached to this Decree.
2- One of the following documents ensures legal proof of being a Youth Volunteer:
Youth Volunteer membership card; Decision, CV, clearly stating that the Youth Volunteer is a Youth Volunteer and the Youth Volunteer unit name; Documents issued by the competent authority before the Youth Volunteer returns to the locality such as: Certificate of completion of tasks from the Youth Volunteer management unit; Transfer papers, hospital transfer papers, health certificates; Certificate of merit during the time participating in the Youth Volunteer force; Certificate of participation in the Youth Volunteer force; Certificate of work transfer, appointment, assignment of tasks. Information must clearly show the time of joining the Youth Volunteer force.
Youth Volunteer Certificate from the Provincial Association (Contact Board) of Former Youth Volunteers confirms the time of departure and time of completion of the Youth Volunteer's mission.
Document confirming the Youth Volunteer unit's name issued by a competent authority according to current regulations, accompanied by documents proving that the individual joined the Youth Volunteer force at that unit's name, or Decision on enjoying allowances and policies for Youth Volunteers who completed their tasks in the resistance war and protected the Fatherland issued by a competent authority, accompanied by a list of Youth Volunteers.
The cadre's or party member's resume must show the time of participation in the Youth Volunteers declared before the effective date of Decision No. 104/1999/QD-TTg dated April 14, 1999; for the Southern Youth Volunteers, the resume must be declared before 1995. The party member's resume must be a certified copy of the original and certified by the party committee where the party member is active.
3- In case of being recognized as a martyr, the application dossier includes the Declaration of Youth Volunteers who died while on duty and have been recognized as Martyrs according to Form No. 02 in Appendix I attached to this Decree and a copy of the Martyr Recognition Certificate or the Certificate of National Merit or documents confirming that they are martyrs from competent authorities.
1- Submission of the Provincial People's Committee with a list of cases proposed for awarding or posthumously awarding the "Glorious Youth Volunteer Medal".
2- Minutes of the review meeting of the Provincial Emulation and Reward Council (the meeting includes representatives of the Association (Contact Committee) of Former Youth Volunteers at the same level).
3- Youth Volunteers' application documents according to regulations.
The Decree clearly states that in case the Youth Volunteer's dossier is invalid and needs to be supplemented, the dossier receiving agency shall guide the Youth Volunteer to complete the dossier and submit the dossier according to regulations within 05 days.
For cases that do not meet the conditions and standards, after 05 working days from the date of receiving the complete application, the agencies at all levels shall notify in writing to return the application for commendation to the unit submitting the application for commendation.
The agency receiving the application for awarding or posthumously awarding the "Youth Volunteer Medal" shall verify cases with unclear achievements, complaints, denunciations or reasonable suspicions that the application for award has been falsified.
The Decree clearly states that Youth Volunteers or relatives of Youth Volunteers prepare a request file according to regulations (*), submit directly or by post 01 set of documents to the People's Committee of the commune where the Youth Volunteers are registered to reside (for those still alive) or the place of residence before joining the Youth Volunteers (for those who have sacrificed or passed away).
- Publicly announce the list of cases proposed for consideration for awarding or posthumously awarding the "Glorious Youth Volunteer Medal" on the media or post it on the electronic information page of the People's Committee at the commune level within 05 days from the date of receiving complete documents as prescribed.
- Coordinate with the Association (Contact Committee) of Former Youth Volunteers at the same level (if any) to review the application for awarding and posthumously awarding the "Glorious Youth Volunteer Medal".
- Organize a meeting of the Emulation and Reward Council at the commune level (inviting additional representatives of the Association (Contact Board) of Former Youth Volunteers at the same level, if any) to review and advise the Chairman of the People's Committee at the commune level on cases that meet the conditions and criteria to propose awarding or posthumously awarding the "Glorious Youth Volunteer Medal".
- Submit to the Chairman of the District People's Committee for consideration and recommendation of rewards for cases that meet the conditions and standards according to regulations, with 01 set of documents (original), including: (***)
The report includes a list of cases proposed for awarding or posthumously awarding the "Glorious Youth Volunteer Medal" and electronic files of the award proposal files.
Minutes of the meeting to consider cases of proposal for awarding and posthumously awarding the "Glorious Youth Volunteer Medal".
Application for awarding or posthumously awarding the "Glorious Youth Volunteer Medal" according to regulations (*).
- Direct the assigned agency to receive the commendation proposal dossier, coordinate with the Association (Contact Committee) of Former Youth Volunteers at the same level (if any) and the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs to synthesize the dossier to propose the award and posthumous award of the "Glorious Youth Volunteer Medal".
- Submit to the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee for consideration and proposal for rewards according to regulations, the dossier has 01 set (original), including:
The report includes a list of cases proposed for awarding or posthumously awarding the "Glorious Youth Volunteer Medal" and electronic files of the award proposal files.
Application for awarding or posthumously awarding the "Glorious Youth Volunteer Medal" according to regulations (***).
- Direct the Department of Home Affairs to receive the application for commendation, coordinate with the Association (Contact Committee) of Former Youth Volunteers at the same level (if any) and the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs to organize the appraisal of the application for consideration and posthumous award of the "Glorious Youth Volunteer Medal".
- Organize a meeting of the Provincial Emulation and Reward Council to review and advise the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee on cases that meet the conditions and criteria to propose awarding or posthumously awarding the "Glorious Youth Volunteer Medal".
- Submit to the Prime Minister (through the Ministry of Home Affairs) for consideration and recommendation of awards for cases that meet the conditions and standards as prescribed. Documents for proposal to award or posthumously award the "Glorious Youth Volunteer Medal" as prescribed (**).
- Review documents and consult relevant agencies (if any).
- Submit to the Prime Minister for consideration and propose to the President to decide to award or posthumously award the "Glorious Youth Volunteer Medal", the dossier includes: The submission of the Ministry of Home Affairs with the list of proposed awards and electronic files of the award dossier.
The Decree comes into force from April 20, 2024.
HA (according to VGP)