
Indian female archer scores perfect 10 with just her toes

TH (according to Vietnam+) September 2, 2024 12:45

Sheetal Devi is an archer born without arms and has to practice archery with her feet. The 17-year-old Indian girl is competing at the 2024 Paris Paralympics.

Sheetal Devi (sinh ngày 10/1/2007) gặp tình trạng bệnh lý hiếm gặp gọi là phocomelia , khiến cô sinh ra không có cánh tay. (Nguồn: Hindustan Times)
Sheetal Devi (born January 10, 2007) has a rare medical condition called phocomelia, which left her born without arms.

Sheetal Devi, an Indian Paralympian, has impressed audiences around the world with her ability to shoot archery with her feet.

Devi is an archer who was born without arms and has to practice archery with her feet. The 17-year-old Indian girl is competing at the 2024 Paris Paralympics.

In the women's compound archery elimination match, Devi lost to Mariana Zuniga. She lost by just one point and finished the match with a total score of 137-138.

However, that result no longer matters as Devi's incredible ability has captured the hearts and admiration of the audience.

During her competition, Devi hit the bull's eye perfectly with her right foot. The audience in Paris couldn't sit still after witnessing the incredible shot and millions took to social media to praise the athlete.

Sheetal Devi (born January 10, 2007) suffered from a rare medical condition called phocomelia, which left her born without arms. She is the first and only female international para-archery champion with no upper limbs.

At the 2022 Asian Para Games, Devi won two gold medals in the mixed doubles and women's individual after winning a silver medal in the women's doubles. She went on to receive the 2023 Arjuna Award.

TH (according to Vietnam+)
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Indian female archer scores perfect 10 with just her toes