Education and training

Many teachers complain that they are not paid for extra teaching hours as prescribed.

SNOW WIND October 2, 2024 07:30

Hai Duong Newspaper received complaints from a number of primary and secondary school teachers in the province about not being paid for overtime teaching according to regulations.


Ảnh màn hình 2024-10-01 lúc 12.14.58
Formula for calculating overtime pay for teachers according to regulations in Circular No. 07/2013/TTLT-BGDĐT-BNV-BTC guiding the implementation of overtime pay for teachers in public educational institutions

Some teachers in Hai Duong reported that they taught extra hours but were only paid a general rate of 150% lower than the prescribed salary/teaching hour.

Hai Duong Newspaper reporters spoke with a few teachers (name withheld) who are teaching at some primary and secondary schools in Tu Ky, Gia Loc, Nam Sach districts and Hai Duong city... and were confirmed to have done so. They were paid a general rate of about 70,000 VND/extra hour by the school (1 hour is about 35 - 45 minutes), and in some places it was lower.

According to Joint Circular No. 07/2013/TTLT-BGDĐT-BNV-BTC of the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education and Training, Ministry of Home Affairs: Guidance on implementing the overtime pay regime for teachers in public educational institutions, overtime pay must ensure the principle of being based on salary level, current rank, grade and some other criteria.

The formula for calculating extra teaching fees is as follows: Salary for 1 hour of extra teaching = salary for 1 hour of teaching x 150%. According to this formula, for many teachers with seniority, the salary for 1 hour of extra teaching is much higher than 70,000 VND.

Speaking to reporters, some teachers said that the school board and teachers had agreed and committed in writing to deduct the teachers' overtime pay to spend on some common activities; to pay at a common rate to help young teachers not be disadvantaged because of the low overtime pay. However, many teachers said that this was not done democratically and transparently, teachers did not agree, but did not dare to express their opinions. Some teachers asked the Department of Education and Training to direct inspection and clarification so that the payment of overtime pay is carried out in accordance with regulations.

District-level Departments of Education and Training in Hai Duong have announced hotline numbers to receive information and negative feedback from educational institutions in the 2024-2025 school year.
The hotline of the Department of Education and Training of Hai Duong City is 0976020272; Chi Linh City 0912333246; Kinh Mon Town 0904951535; Ninh Giang 0982352045 - 0988125258; Thanh Ha 0986890515; Binh Giang 0918612767; Cam Giang 0367218795; Kim Thanh 0904257782; Thanh Mien 0973834768; Gia Loc 0986712616; Tu Ky 0988168395; Nam Sach 0912322212.
These are all phone numbers of leaders or specialists of the Departments of Education and Training. Feedback information will be kept confidential according to regulations. All negative feedback in educational institutions can contact the hotline of the Department of Education and Training of Hai Duong 0982913998, or email:
Readers can also provide information and feedback via Hai Duong Newspaper hotline 0934243344.

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Many teachers complain that they are not paid for extra teaching hours as prescribed.