Many teachers in Hai Duong failed to pass the promotion exam. This issue has attracted public attention. Hai Duong Newspaper's fanpage received many comments. The Department of Internal Affairs has explained the reason.
On July 2, after Hai Duong Electronic Newspaper reported "More than 10,000 Hai Duong teachers "passed" the promotion exam in 2024", many readers commented and sent feedback on this content.
Some cases said they were qualified but still “failed” when considering promotion. Many senior teachers with many achievements and long-term contributions to the education sector still “failed”; their applications were qualified but not approved. Some opinions suggested that any teacher who is qualified should be considered for promotion; there should be no control over the percentage...
Explaining the reason why many teachers in Hai Duong failed to pass the promotion exam for public preschool and primary school teachers in 2024, a representative of the provincial Department of Home Affairs said: The promotion exam was carried out in accordance with the decrees, circulars, and decisions of the Central Government, Plan 1789/KH-UBND, Decision 1153/QD-UBND (both dated May 16, 2024) of the Provincial People's Committee and the Inter-sectoral Guidance of the Department of Home Affairs - Education and Training dated May 17, 2024, especially Official Dispatch No. 64/BNV-CCVC dated January 5, 2024 of the Ministry of Home Affairs on the promotion structure.
Specifically, the maximum number of first-class professional titles is not more than 10%; the maximum number of second-class professional titles is not more than 50% of the total number of teachers on the payroll at each school. The whole province has 11,294 promotion targets. Of which, 2,714 are first-class (both managers and teachers); 8,580 are second-class (both managers and teachers). This causes many qualified teachers to not be promoted.
The representative of the Department of Home Affairs also added that the evaluation and scoring for promotion will be carried out in order of priority from high to low. Teachers who are being considered for promotion will have their feedback on the promotion, evaluation results, and promotion scoring sent to the Department of Education and Training, the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, and the District People's Committee before July 11, which will be compiled and specifically answered by the agencies and units.
On July 1, the Council for considering the promotion of professional titles for public preschool and general education teachers in 2024 in Hai Duong province announced the results of considering the promotion of professional titles for public preschool and general education teachers in 2024.
The province has 13,394 qualified applications for the Promotion Council to review. Of these, 203 applications were rejected (1 person was disciplined, 202 people were not on the approved list issued under Decision 1153/QD-UBND dated May 16, 2024 of the Provincial People's Committee). The number of applications considered for promotion is 13,191.
The results after the assessment showed that 10,001 records passed and 3,190 records failed. Of which, 821 teachers failed to pass from Grade II to Grade I; 2,369 teachers failed to pass from Grade III to Grade II.