The plot to distort Ho Chi Minh's ideology about the ruling Communist Party of Vietnam in our country is a sinister and sophisticated trick.
Ho Chi Minh's thought on the Communist Party of Vietnam in general and on the ruling party in particular is a particularly important part of his ideology. Ho Chi Minh's thought on the ruling Communist Party of Vietnam is the compass for all leadership activities of the Party and the work of Party building and rectification, and is the fundamental factor that determines all victories of the Vietnamese revolution.
Recently, hostile and reactionary forces have thoroughly exploited social networking sites to put forth sophisticated and deceitful arguments aimed at misleading the awareness and thoughts of cadres and party members, distorting Ho Chi Minh's ideology, and denying the ruling role of our Party.
The first,Hostile and reactionary forces claim that: "Ho Chi Minh assigned himself to the ruling communist party, but Marxism-Leninism does not mention the ruling communist party, but only the party leading the revolution."
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In fact, this is an extreme, one-sided, absolutist view of one aspect of Ho Chi Minh's ideology on the ruling party; it is an extremely dangerous argument aimed at separating Marxism-Leninism from Ho Chi Minh's ideology, causing the awareness of a part of cadres, party members and people to doubt, waver, and lose faith in Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's ideology, the Party's current platform, guidelines and viewpoints.
Based on a deep understanding of Marxism-Leninism's viewpoint on the communist party, Ho Chi Minh pointed out: "After gaining power, the primary task of the working class is to strengthen the proletarian dictatorship to fulfill the historical tasks of the revolution, completely abolish the regime of man exploiting man, build socialist production relations, build socialism to advance to communism" (1).
In fact, the Communist Party of Vietnam became the ruling party after the August Revolution in 1945, continuing to lead the government in carrying out the tasks of the victorious people's national democratic revolution, bringing the country into the transitional period to socialism, bypassing the capitalist regime. Ho Chi Minh affirmed that our Party is the ruling party, demonstrating loyalty and creative application of the basic principles of Marxism-Leninism on the communist party, playing the most decisive leadership role in carrying out the historical mission of the working class.
Monday,Hostile forces speculate: "The ruling Communist Party in Ho Chi Minh's ideology leads to a monopoly party."
This argument is essentially a distortion of the Party's leadership method and leadership role in the state government and society. From a very early age, leader Ho Chi Minh was interested in the leadership method of the ruling communist party and pointed out: The Party leads the state government and society through platforms, guidelines, policies, and resolutions in all areas of social life. The Party leads the government through cadre work, because he believed that: "Cadres are those who explain the policies of the Party and the Government to the people to understand and implement. At the same time, they report the situation of the people to the Party and the Government to understand clearly, in order to set the right policies."
At the same time, the Party leads the government through inspection and control work and through the vanguard and exemplary role of cadres and Party members. President Ho Chi Minh paid special attention to the work of building a truly clean and strong ruling Party, "Our Party is ethical and civilized", on the basis of the theoretical foundation of Marxism-Leninism, the principles of democratic centralism, self-criticism and criticism, considering it the law of Party development; focusing on building a spirit of solidarity, unanimity, strict discipline and self-awareness within the Party; attaching importance to building a close-knit solidarity between the Party and the people.
Tuesday,Hostile forces deliberately fabricated the story that: "Ho Chi Minh raised the ideology of the ruling party to consolidate personal power."
Such blatant distortions aim to defame the leader's honor and deny the great contributions of President Ho Chi Minh to the Party, our nation and the world revolution. They did not understand and deliberately did not understand the position, prestige and trust of our people and nation in President Ho Chi Minh. He was truly worthy of the position of President entrusted by the Party, the State, the people and the entire nation. He was trusted by all the people and admired, respected and admired by international friends.
During his lifetime, President Ho Chi Minh always affirmed: “Our Party is not a party of officials, but a Party that must take care of the people’s lives” (2) and even the people’s soy sauce, tomato sauce, fish sauce, and salt, the Party must take care of them. When answering foreign journalists in 1946, he affirmed: “I absolutely do not desire fame and fortune at all. Now I have to take on the position of President because my compatriots have entrusted me, so I must try my best, just like a soldier obeying the nation’s orders to go to the front. When my compatriots let me retire, I will gladly retire… As for me, I will build a small house, where there are green mountains and blue water to fish, grow flowers, and be friends with the old people who gather firewood and the young children who herd buffaloes all day and night, without any involvement in the circle of fame and profit.”
Throughout his life of revolutionary activities, fighting and sacrificing for the country, for the people, for noble ideals, President Ho Chi Minh has always been a shining example of revolutionary ethics that no force can deny.
Wednesday,Hostile forces have accused: "Ho Chi Minh emphasized that the ruling party is the cause of the current abuse of power and corruption by officials and party members in Party and State agencies."
This is a very crude accusation and labeling aimed at denying Ho Chi Minh's ideology on the ruling Communist Party of Vietnam, causing disorientation in Party building and rectification, especially the current fight against corruption and negativity in our country.
Reality shows that the phenomenon of abuse and exploitation of power by some cadres and party members leading to degeneration, corruption and negativity is due to their falling into individualism, greed, profiteering and localism. Of course, these phenomena do not affect the entire cadre and party members, but only a part of cadres and party members who have degraded in political ideology, morality and lifestyle. In reality, the vast majority of cadres and party members always maintain pure revolutionary morality, devoting themselves to the revolutionary cause of the Party, the nation and the people.
Immediately after our Party became the ruling party, President Ho Chi Minh predicted the risks of degradation of a ruling party, directly the cadres and party members in the Party and State apparatus. He pointed out the risks that threatened the survival of the ruling party: mistakes in policies, bureaucracy, detachment from reality, detachment from the people and individualism. In particular, individualism is the root disease, it gives birth to hundreds of diseases, bad habits of cadres and party members, so he paid special attention to preventing and combating risks, especially eliminating individualism and improving revolutionary ethics.
He always reminded the Party's cadres and members: "A nation, a party and each person, who were great yesterday and had great appeal, may not necessarily be loved and praised by everyone today and tomorrow, if their hearts are no longer pure, if they fall into individualism."
Thus, President Ho Chi Minh not only predicted but also always educated and trained cadres and party members to maintain revolutionary ethics and not fall into individualism; at the same time, cadres and party members must strive to "be both leaders and truly loyal servants of the people".
Thursday,Hostile forces distort that: "Ho Chi Minh said that the ruling party is in conflict with the state government which is of the people, by the people, for the people."
This is a cunning and sophisticated plot of hostile forces to distort the nature of the ruling party, causing doubts about the unity between the working class nature, the people's nature and the national character of our State under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam.
In Ho Chi Minh's thought on the ruling Communist Party of Vietnam, the thought of the ruling party and the state government of the people, by the people, for the people is completely unified, there is no contradiction. Because the birth of the Vietnamese State is the result of the national liberation revolution led by the Communist Party of Vietnam, according to which the Party becomes the ruling party.
President Ho Chi Minh emphasized that the Party is the vanguard of the working class, of the working people and of the entire nation. The Party must play a pioneering role, leading the people to make the revolution victorious, establishing a state government of the people, by the people, for the people. Therefore, the ruling party and the people's government are not contradictory, but always closely linked in a unified whole. When talking about the ruling party, we are talking about the role of leading the state and social government, which is the most certain factor to ensure that the state government is truly of the people, by the people, for the people. He emphasized: "All benefits are for the people. All powers belong to the people; power and strength are in the people."
From the above bases, we can affirm that: President Ho Chi Minh said that the ruling party does not contradict the state government which is of the people, by the people, for the people, but that it is an inseparable unity and dialectic, at the same time further affirming the close and close relationship between the Party, the State and the people under the condition that the Communist Party of Vietnam is in power.
To deny the scientific and revolutionary nature of Ho Chi Minh's thought in general, and Ho Chi Minh's thought on the ruling Communist Party of Vietnam in particular, hostile forces use all kinds of sophisticated and cunning tricks, sometimes separating, sometimes opposing, sometimes accusing, fabricating, and distorting his thought with the aim of eliminating Ho Chi Minh's thought in the Party's ideological foundation, leading to the elimination of the Party's leadership and ruling role over the State and society in Vietnam.
Therefore, along with being alert, raising revolutionary vigilance, and resolutely exposing the dark plots and tricks of hostile forces, we need to constantly research, study, and grasp the scientific and revolutionary nature of Ho Chi Minh's thought, especially Ho Chi Minh's thought on the ruling Communist Party of Vietnam, raise awareness and responsibility for Party building and rectification, building our Party to be truly clean and strong, maintaining and strengthening the leadership and improving the Party's governing capacity for the cause of building and defending the socialist Vietnamese Fatherland.