
Spring, people go to the fields

DO THI THU February 16, 2024 11:00

In spring, people go to the fields with bustling voices and laughter, happily hoping for a bountiful harvest.


January is the season of young shoots, the festival day to go to the fields in my hometown. This spring, it seems that the heavens and earth are in favor of people, so the last days of the twelfth lunar month still have drizzle and the cold north wind, but on the first day of Tet, the heavens and earth gradually warm up. Then on the second and third days... the spring sunshine shines brightly all over the countryside. The gentle east wind makes the young leaves tremble with each drop of morning dew. The slender young plants, filled with the happiness of growth, seem to be anxiously waiting for the footsteps of people to take them to the big fields...

Blending into the eternal rhythm of heaven and earth, farmers also take advantage of going to the fields so as not to miss the beautiful sunny spring days. Even though they are celebrating Tet, mothers and sisters do not forget to take care of each row of rice seedlings. They remove the plastic sheet to let the warmth in, enveloping the roots. The steps of care, the gentle, caring hands, and the bright eyes gently cheer as if clearly hearing the whisper of the earth, the sound of the flow of life spreading throughout the roots and buds. People's hearts are also fresh and cheerful like the rows of rice seedlings spread throughout the spring...

In my hometown, when the rice plants grow green in the fields, people still feel Tet. Therefore, every family spends precious time to prepare the land and plant in time for the season. From the morning of the third day of Tet, the villagers eagerly went to the fields as if it were a festival.

The vast fields, a few days ago quiet and deserted, were bustling with the voices and laughter of many people hurriedly bringing spring to the fields. The pumps were like water hoses, diligently pumping water from the river into the fields. The silver water flowed through the canals and ditches, overflowing all over the fields. The furrows that had been lying around waiting to dry for months had now dried up, but now they encountered the fresh water and quickly became loose, soft and fertile. The fields below were low-lying, so some of the men and women were busy raising the banks to bail out the water. The fields above were high, so some of the men and women were rushing to bail out the water... White storks occasionally flew up to greet the spring sunshine, then landed back down, happily wading in the new mud. The sound of the harrowing machine resounded diligently. The figures of people cutting the banks and hoeing the corners, and people were diligently leveling the fields. The laughter and chatter mixed with the sound of the machines created a bustling, urgent and jubilant scene...

Waiting for a day or two for the mud to settle, on the sixth of January, the whole village simultaneously brought the rice seedlings to the fields. The base rice seedlings were trimmed and neatly rolled up, then followed by the hurried people to the fields. Carts, wheelbarrows... chattered in a row, spreading along the concreted fields, deep into the fields. The sounds of people chatting and laughing filled the entire field. Spring had come, spreading immense green. The rhythm of growth had begun for a new, lush crop...

After the planting is done, it is also time to enter the bustling village festival. Hearing the drums calling and inviting, following the jubilant procession around the green rice fields, everyone's hearts are more cheerful and excited...

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Spring, people go to the fields