Education and training

Some universities propose to abolish early admission

TB (summary) December 7, 2024 08:21

Some universities have proposed to eliminate early admission and instead push the general admission period earlier than previous years so that schools can recruit additional students in the following periods.

Candidates taking the 2024 high school graduation exam

On December 6, the Ministry of Education and Training held a discussion on the draft university admission regulations for 2025. This draft has many new points, including tightening early admission at schools to 20% of the quota.

With a maximum of 20% of the early admission quota, the ministry believes that schools will be able to recruit candidates with outstanding abilities and academic achievements, limiting the situation of negligence in the second semester of grade 12 and the high school graduation exam, helping to make university admissions more fair.

Agreeing, Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Dao Tung, Director of the Academy of Finance, said that the 20% figure does not mean much, so we can boldly cancel early admission. Instead, the ministry pushed the general admission time earlier than previous years, so that schools can continue to recruit in the following rounds.

Dr. Vo Thanh Hai, Vice President of Duy Tan University, supports this opinion.

Mr. Pham Thai Son, Director of the Admissions and Communications Center, Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry and Trade, acknowledged that maintaining early admission with a low quota ratio could waste resources and time for both schools and candidates.

"With the low quota, the ministry can cancel the early admission round," said Mr. Son.

According to Associate Professor Dr. Le Thanh Bac, Vice President of Danang University, removing the regulation of early admission of 20% of the target will ensure fairness for candidates and will not affect schools if applied consistently.

Eliminating the early admission round also helps the high school graduation exam results more accurately reflect the quality of teaching and learning at the high school level, when students maintain their determination to focus on the exam.

However, the leaders of Danang University believe that early direct admission of excellent students according to the ministry's criteria, such as those with national and international awards, should be retained.

"This contributes to honoring the children," said Mr. Bac.

Early admission with many methods has become a trend in the past 5-6 years. Last year, 214 out of 322 schools offered early admission. The number of candidates admitted under this method was more than 375,500, of which 147,400 were first choice (nearly 40%).

Due to recruitment by many methods and combinations, the input to a major can be different, or the standard score from high school graduation exam results can be pushed up.

A university representative said that eliminating the early admission round would not affect top schools too much, but could make lower-ranked schools worried.

"Many schools plan to consider early admission based on academic records, competency assessment test scores, international certificates or direct admission based on the school's own project. 20% is too small for schools to be able to implement diverse methods in the early round," he said.

However, Deputy Minister of Education and Training Hoang Minh Son emphasized the need to adjust the admission process early to ensure fairness for all candidates.

According to Mr. Son, the regulation that schools can consider early admission for a maximum of 20% of their quota, and that the admission scores of all methods must be converted to a common scale, is not easy, but still needs to be discussed.

TB (summary)
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    Some universities propose to abolish early admission