Home camera hacking is always a concern that we care about, as technology develops, the tricks become more and more sophisticated, so always be careful.
Nowadays, many households have turned to smart cameras to ensure the security of their homes, children and property when they go to work or travel. But like most other devices, smart cameras can still be attacked by hackers.
However, not everyone can hack security cameras. They must be experts with knowledge of network security cameras. And to attack cameras remotely, it takes a lot of effort.
7 ways to tell if your home camera has been hacked
In addition, some other reasons from users make home cameras easily attacked such as: Not changing the default password, installing the camera in a position too low, making it easy to be swapped, giving full control of the camera to many people (camera technicians, network operators, ...), logging into the camera account on a device other than your own...
Users can reduce the risk of being attacked by changing their access passwords regularly. If the default password provided by the installer is not changed, attackers can easily guess the password and access your home camera.
How to know if your surveillance camera is hacked
Here are 7 ways to help you identify if your home security camera has been hacked:
Unusual noise coming from camera
One of the signs that your security camera has been hacked or hacked is when you hear strange voices or unusual noises coming from the camera. Hackers or cybercriminals may be watching and recording your every move, and they may accidentally leak audio into the camera through the 2-way audio feature.
Camera angle changed
Do your security cameras have software-based camera angles? Do they automatically rotate to different positions in your home without you having set them up? It's possible that hackers are controlling your cameras to gather information inside your home.
LED light on camera blinks
If you are using a camera in your security system, check it. Anytime you see a flashing LED, it means a hacker is trying to access your camera.
The LED light on the camera has the function of notifying the camera status (operating, changing settings, downloading data, updating software, etc.). Therefore, if there is an impact, this light system will flash an alarm, you can pay attention to this situation to easily recognize whether the camera is being attacked or not.
Camera turns on automatically after being turned off
Even though you have turned off all your security cameras, one of them turns on by itself and the LED light is on. This confirms that your security system has been hacked.
Camera settings changed
Check the security settings on your camera. If you see that the alarm or other settings have been changed, it could be that a hacker has gotten their hands on your system.
Cannot access camera even though correct password is entered
Suddenly, one day you are logged out of your camera account on the software and when you access it, you cannot. Even though you have entered the correct information and password for the security camera. That proves that the hacker has changed your camera password, preventing you from accessing your home camera system.
Abnormal changes in mobile data or network traffic
Another way to check if your security camera system is still secure is to monitor the Internet traffic of the network the security camera is using.
If there is an unusual amount of traffic or a sudden increase in traffic, it also means that hackers are infiltrating your camera system, and they are trying to "smuggle" camera data out, which explains why network data suddenly increases.
According to VTC News