
Note to wear eye-catching graphic clothes without being cheesy in the summer

TB (according to VTC) May 16, 2024 15:23

Here are some tips to help you wear patterned clothes in a pleasing way without worrying about your figure being "drowned".

Màu sắc tươi sáng và tươi mới sẽ làm cho họa tiết trở nên sinh động và phù hợp với mùa hè.
Bright and fresh colors will make the pattern lively and suitable for summer

Summer is the perfect time to wear bright, colorful patterned clothes. However, if you are not skillful in coordinating your clothes, you can easily make yourself look tacky and lose your elegance. Here are some tips to help you wear clothes with outstanding, trendy patterns.

Choose the pattern that suits your body shape

If you have a slim figure, you can freely choose large, small or bright patterns.

As for girls with a full figure, they should prioritize small-sized patterns, dark patterns or sparsely arranged patterns, and avoid wearing clothes with large patterns, colorful patterns or dense patterns.

Clever color coordination

You should combine patterned clothes with neutral colors such as white, black, beige, gray to create harmony and elegance. Use patterns with similar color tones.

For example, a red floral pattern can be paired with a red or pink t-shirt. You can use a brightly colored accessory to add a pop of color to a patterned outfit.

Choose clothes with the right style

You should choose dresses with simple, elegant designs such as A-line dresses, maxi dresses or flared dresses. Avoid wearing dresses with too fussy, elaborate designs.

Để tránh sự lòe loẹt và quá nhiều chi tiết, hãy kết hợp các mẫu đồ họa tiết với các trang phục cơ bản và đơn giản.
To avoid flashiness and too much detail, pair graphic prints with basic and simple outfits.

For pants, you should choose pants with minimalist designs such as jeans, shorts or trousers, avoid wearing pants with too flashy patterns.

You can choose simple shirts like t-shirts, shirts or crop tops. Avoid wearing shirts with too many complicated patterns.

Use accessories sparingly

You should use simple, delicate accessories such as necklaces, bracelets, earrings... Avoid using too many accessories because it will make you look messy and lose elegance.

Choose clothes that are appropriate for the occasion

You should choose patterned outfits with colors and designs that suit the occasion you are attending.

For example, if you are going to a party, you should choose patterned outfits with bright colors and elegant designs. If you are going out on the street, you can choose patterned outfits with youthful, dynamic colors and comfortable designs.

Nên chọn trang phục có chất liệu thoáng mát, thấm hút mồ hôi tốt để phù hợp với thời tiết mùa hè.
You should choose clothes made of cool, sweat-absorbent material to suit the summer weather.

Choose clothes made of cool, sweat-absorbent materials to suit the summer weather. Choose fabrics such as cotton, linen, or viscose because these fabrics not only help you feel comfortable in hot weather but also help the pattern become more dynamic.

TB (according to VTC)
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Note to wear eye-catching graphic clothes without being cheesy in the summer