
Driving experience when carrying children

VN (according to VTC News) August 31, 2024 11:36

Driving with children requires following many rules to ensure traffic safety and the safety of children.

Here are some tips for transporting children in the car:

For young children who cannot control their own behavior, when sitting in the car, the driver must arrange for them to sit in a special child seat with a safety hook. In case the car does not have a safety hook, an adult must hold and hold the child to control the child's actions.

According to safety experts, the safest place is the back seat. Therefore, children should never sit in the passenger seat, but should be placed in the back seat of the car. In particular, drivers are not allowed to hold children in their arms while driving.

Because if an unexpected situation occurs, the driver will not be able to handle it in time, leading to an accident. If an accident occurs, children will be the first and most severely injured.

Để trẻ ngồi ghế sau, thắt dây an toàn, khoá cửa, khoá kính. (Ảnh minh hoạ).
Put children in the back seat, fasten seat belts, lock doors and windows

For older children who can sit in a car seat, seat belts should be worn and children should be taught to sit still in the car and not to move around on their own.

At the child's seat, the door must be locked so that the child cannot open the door while sitting in the car. It is best for the driver to lock the car door and lock the window adjustment.

To prevent the risk of leaving children in the car, drivers should practice the habit of checking the entire inside of the car before locking the doors.

Always lock the car doors, especially do not let children play with the car keys. Because of their adventurous nature, children can open the door themselves, play in the car alone and easily get heat shock. In every car that regularly transports children, equip the car with a warning feature that warns of the risk of children being left in the car.

Absolutely do not let children stick their hands or heads out of the window, do not let children press the function keys or control levers in the car. The driver must constantly observe and talk to children to prevent them from playing around in the car.

For children who are older and understand what their parents convey, usually at the age of 5 and up, it is necessary to teach them about the dangers that can occur when traveling by car, such as opening the door and causing an accident for others, or falling forward when the car brakes suddenly if they do not sit still and do not wear a seat belt so that children can actively wear a seat belt and sit still in the car. For children to follow, adults must guide them and practice doing it first.

Before driving, the driver must always observe the front seats, the back seats and the entire vehicle before getting out of the car to avoid leaving children in the car because they fall asleep. Also for children of this age, it is necessary to instruct them on basic skills to get out of the car or notify others when they are locked or left in the car such as opening the door latch from the inside, honking the horn, and warning lights.

Always lock your car doors when parking in a yard where children often play.

When carrying children in the car, you should drive at a moderate speed, do not accelerate or brake suddenly, but accelerate slowly and decelerate slowly to avoid shocking the child, causing them to fall forward or backward, or causing nausea, which can create a fear of driving in the child.

Keep dangerous objects such as knives, lighters and other dangerous objects out of reach of children.

When transporting young children, drivers should plan a route with appropriate rest stops for children to change their state. It is possible to bring a few hand-held toys (avoid electronic toys) to help children relax in the car.

VN (according to VTC News)
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Driving experience when carrying children