
Decoding the secret of longevity of Japanese people

TB (according to Vietnam+) June 23, 2024 08:29

Not only is Japan among the countries with the longest-lived populations in the world, but the elderly in Japan are also very healthy and have few illnesses. So what is the hidden secret behind their longevity?

Nhật Bản liên tục đứng trong top các nước có dân số sống thọ nhất thế giới. (Nguồn: AARP)
Japan is consistently ranked among the countries with the longest-living populations in the world.

Japan is known as a country with a super-aged population. The country's elderly population (65 years and over) in 2022 is expected to be 36.2 million, accounting for 29% of the total population; while people over 80 years old account for more than 10% of the population.

With an average life expectancy of 84, Japan is consistently among the countries with the longest-lived populations in the world, with the average life expectancy of men being 81 and that of women being 87.

According to the latest data from the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (as of September 2023), the estimated number of people over 100 years old in this country is at a record high of 92,139 people, an increase of 1,613 people compared to the same period last year. It is worth noting that not only do the elderly Japanese live long, but they are also very healthy and have few illnesses.

Why do Japanese people live so long? Is there a secret behind their longevity? Scientists have finally discovered 7 secrets that help Japanese people have the healthiest and longest old age in the world.

The perfect diet

The Japanese diet is a perfect example of the advice of the 5th century Greek physician Hippocrates and is the main reason for their longevity: “Let food be thy medicine.

The Japanese love to eat, but they see food not only as food but also as a means to a healthy life. The Japanese diet usually consists of fresh and unprocessed ingredients, which are low in calories and fat.

Japanese people love to eat fish and fresh ingredients.

The staple foods in the Japanese diet typically include omega-rich fish, rice, whole grains, tofu, soybeans, miso, seaweed and green vegetables, and very little meat. All of these foods are low in saturated fat, low in sugar, and rich in vitamins and minerals, which help reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.

Many in variety, few in quantity, only eat until 80% full

Japanese people eat a wide variety of foods at their meals, but dining etiquette and portion control have always been an important part of Japanese dining culture.

In each daily meal of Japanese people (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) usually includes rice, soup and 3-4 dishes, but all are small portions, served in small bowls and plates.

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Japanese meals are varied but very small in quantity.

When eating, Japanese people chew slowly and never eat too much. Usually, they only eat until they are about 80% full and then stop.

The secret to eating 80% full is to chew thoroughly and swallow slowly. This is very beneficial for the stomach, helps reduce pressure, ensures long-term fullness, and provides necessary nutrition and energy.

Drink tea

Tea ceremony is a traditional culture with thousands of years of history of the Japanese people, an indispensable part of the lifestyle of the people of the Land of the Rising Sun.

For thousands of years, the Japanese have maintained the habit of drinking pure green tea every day, one of the secrets to improving health.

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Studies have shown that this ancient drink is rich in antioxidants that boost the immune system and help prevent cancer, increasing longevity. It also aids digestion, increases energy levels and regulates blood pressure.

Tea even helps protect cell membranes and slows down cell aging, helping you stay young and healthy.

Active lifestyle

Every morning at 6:30, groups of people from young to old appear on the streets of Japan practicing rajio taiso via radio. This is a morning exercise program that was born in 1928 and exists until today, becoming a cultural feature of the Land of the Rising Sun.

In addition to practicing rajio taiso, Japanese people walk a lot. Japan has developed a very convenient walking infrastructure and you can see that daily commuting in big cities is very lively.

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Crowd of pedestrians crossing Shibuya Street, Tokyo

Most people walk or cycle to the subway station, then they stand on the train all the way to their destination station, where they get off and continue walking to work.

The National Health and Nutrition Survey conducted by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in 2019 showed that Japanese men walk an average of nearly 7,000 steps a day, while women walk about 6,000 steps.

About 98% of Japanese children also walk or cycle to school.

Focus on health care

The high life expectancy of Japanese people is partly due to their excellent health care. Japan's health care system is one of the best in the world.

Since the 1960s, the Japanese government has covered 70% of medical costs for its citizens, with low-income people paying up to 90%.

Japanese people visit the doctor an average of 13 times a year for check-ups, which means illnesses are more likely to be detected early enough to be treated.

In addition, the government places great emphasis on primary health care for its citizens. Local governments conduct mass screening for citizens in schools, workplaces, or in the community.

People are required to fill in specific answers to a health questionnaire about their lifestyle. These annual health checks can help people become more health conscious.

Along with government initiatives, caring for the elderly is also part of Japanese culture. In Japanese families, older members are always cared for and live happily with their children and grandchildren, instead of having to live in nursing homes.

The psychological benefits of living with family in old age make people happier and live longer.

Good genes

In addition to a scientific, nutritious diet that helps reduce the risk of disease and increase longevity, the Japanese also have a genetic advantage.

Research shows that many Japanese people possess two DNA genes, 5178 and ND2-237 Met, which are believed to be important factors in reducing the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease.

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Kane Tanaka, born on January 2, 1903, was recognized by Guinness World Records as the oldest living person in 2019, at the age of 116. Tanaka passed away on April 19, 2022, at the age of 119.

Other genetic factors, including personality (especially traits like conscientiousness, openness, and extraversion), also appear to be important. Scientists think they contribute to longevity through beneficial health-related behaviors, stress reduction, and coping with the problems of aging.

Ikigai - Living with purpose

Ikigai is an ancient Japanese philosophy that suggests one should seek joy and purpose in life rather than simply existing. Life is a practice that leads you towards fulfillment.

This concept does not give you instant gratification but helps you define your life purpose, personal mission and tap into your full life potential. According to psychologists, it leads to a higher sense of self-esteem.

The Ikigai lifestyle is especially popular in Okinawa, Japan, where many residents live to be over 100 years old, and the concept of “retirement” does not exist.

Okinawans live a positive and happy life, in which they value community and build strong bonds and sharing with all those around them.

TB (according to Vietnam+)
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Decoding the secret of longevity of Japanese people