I bring the most beautiful bouquet of flowers to give to the most beautiful woman in the world.
At the end of the year party, the husband came home drunk. He kept knocking on the door but no one opened it. Finally, he thought of a plan and called out loudly:
- I bring the most beautiful bouquet of flowers to give to the most beautiful woman in the world.
Immediately, the door opened wide, the wife happily ran out and asked:
- Where, where is the most beautiful bouquet?
The husband immediately said:
- Where is the most beautiful woman in the world?
Old love
In the atmosphere of the last days of the year, the old couple wanted to warm up their relationship so they decided to have dinner and watch a movie together. When they returned, seeing that their mother looked sad, the daughter-in-law asked:
- What makes you sad, Mom?
- Had to go out with a stupid old man, mom had to slap him 3 times!
- Oh, what made you so angry?
- The first time he was snoring in the theater. The second time he was staring at the young girl. And the third time was when he made his mother pay for the taxi.
- ?!!