Hai Duong Provincial People's Council will consider the collection levels and fees at public educational institutions from the 2024-2025 school year at the 26th Session.
At the 26th Session scheduled to take place on the afternoon of October 18, the Hai Duong Provincial People's Council will consider and issue a resolution regulating tuition fees and the list of revenues, collection levels, and revenue and expenditure management mechanisms for services supporting educational activities at kindergartens, general schools, and other public educational and training institutions implementing general education programs in Hai Duong province.
Compared to Resolution No. 08/2022/NQ-HDND, Hai Duong Provincial People's Committee proposed to supplement the collection of the final exam quality assessment for junior high school students organized by the Department of Education and Training; school supplies for exams, tests and assessments of students at general education institutions; breakfast money for preschool children...
At the same time, increase revenues: High school final grade student quality assessment, continuing education of high school programs organized by the Department of Education and Training; child care and nurturing services in public preschools on holidays, summer days, after office hours (babysitting on Saturdays; babysitting in summer; early pick-up, late drop-off); boarding care and services (paying for cooks, catering staff, lunch watchers, managers); cleaning services for schools, classrooms, and toilets in educational facilities (including labor costs, cleaning tools, toilet paper, detergent, floor cleaner).
The reason for the increase is that the basic salary has increased by 57%, the regional minimum wage has increased by 27% and some revenue items have encountered problems after a period of implementation.
Hai Duong Provincial People's Committee proposed to remove some fees due to non-compliance with regulations.
These are the fees for teaching 2 sessions/day in primary school, introducing English to preschool children; extra teaching and learning; toys and learning materials (for preschool); student cards (not integrated with bank cards); art and sports club activities; drinking water for students.
To meet the needs of teaching and learning, the collection of these fees will be specifically guided by the Department of Education and Training and the Department of Finance to ensure strictness, transparency, and avoid overcharging.
The Provincial People's Council requires educational institutions to collect fees according to regulations, not necessarily collecting all fees in the above regulations.
Services are only provided when the school has sufficient conditions (in terms of facilities, equipment, other related conditions) and has a written agreement with parents in the spirit of voluntariness, democracy, and consensus of the school board; at the same time, reports are sent to the superior management agency for synthesis, monitoring, inspection, and supervision.
The organization of revenue and expenditure must ensure the principles of publicity, democracy and transparency.