
Hai Duong forecast prolonged thunderstorms

PV September 8, 2024 18:42

Next week, Hai Duong area is forecast to continue to have scattered showers and thunderstorms.

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Hai Duong forecast to have long-term thunderstorms

According to the Hai Duong Province Hydrometeorological Station, from the night of September 8 to September 10, due to the influence of the tropical convergence zone through the North Central region, it is forecasted that the Hai Duong area will have moderate to heavy rain, southeast winds of level 2 and level 3. In the following days, the influence of the tropical convergence zone with an axis through the North Central region will gradually weaken, and the Hai Duong area will have scattered showers and thunderstorms.

From September 16-18, rain is forecast to decrease, only in a few places. During thunderstorms, there is a possibility of tornadoes, lightning and strong gusts of wind.

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Hai Duong forecast prolonged thunderstorms