
Suddenly quit job, then broke wallet because of "treatment"

TN (according to Tuoi Tre) May 6, 2024 07:40

Are our souls so fragile these days that we always need to "heal" even when we encounter something unpleasant or a small incident?

Dành thời gian cho bản thân, nâng niu cuộc sống hơn - Ảnh minh hoạ: YẾN TRINH
Take time for yourself, cherish life more - Illustration: YEN TRINH

"Healing" is a waste of money

Two years ago, TN (late 9x) suddenly submitted her resignation in the morning. At noon, she packed her personal belongings at her desk and went home. She said that her boss was also surprised because he had not yet approved her resignation.

She confided to her friends that after the Covid-19 lockdown, she and her boyfriend rarely saw each other. Her boyfriend felt that their feelings were no longer passionate, even though they video called each other several times a day, so he broke up.

In the youth terminology, this girl fell into a state of "breakdown" because of her love life. In addition, she was used to working at home and was afraid of having to "reintegrate" into a crowded place, so she asked to work remotely. The nature of the job required direct communication at the company, and the boss did not approve her request. So she quit her job.

A few days later, her personal page was constantly updated with pictures of healing in the forest, practicing yoga, sharing podcast channels of healing from within. Then she signed up for a healing course via the online platform Zoom.

Đường dài cuộc sống không thể tránh khỏi khó khăn cùng những điều không như ý - Ảnh minh hoạ: YẾN TRINH
The long road of life cannot avoid difficulties and things that do not go as planned - Illustration: YEN TRINH

According to her, her salary before retirement was 13 million VND, but this girl spent more than a month's salary (15 million VND) to join the 28-day "healing" journey. While waiting for the course to absorb, she took the time to drink meditation tea and wash her hair. She spent a few hundred thousand VND each time to relax her body and heal from the outside.

Because she continuously used many healing services that were like horseback riding to see flowers, her soul had not healed but her wallet was "broken". One evening, she texted her best friend to borrow a few million dong to get by. She asked her friend for advice on whether she could get back to work now.

At my age, how can people be so strong?

In September 2023, Duy Anh's (27 years old) love affair ended. His lover followed his family to settle abroad. Needless to say, he was devastated. Why did two people who still loved each other have to say goodbye just because of external circumstances?

"I played sad love songs all day and night. The more I listened, the sadder I got. At this point, I somewhat understood how my friends felt when they broke up," he said.

Thể thao, đi dạo... cũng là một cách cân bằng tâm trí - Ảnh minh hoạ: YẾN TRINH
Sports, walking... are also ways to balance the mind - Illustration: YEN TRINH

He almost wasted money… to get “healed”. A month later, he had the chance to visit a relative in the hospital, he met a guy his age, whose 3-year-old son was in the ICU. The doctor said the child’s treatment time was in months, the result was 50/50.

In addition, the couple was unemployed and their money was running out. But he remained optimistic, looking for a day job and taking over the hospital in the evenings to take his wife's place.

The couple believes their son will recover quickly. Duy Anh confided: "I wonder what makes him so strong. He's the same age as me! You don't have to look far for the answer. It's the love of a father and mother."

He told this story to a group of friends. A friend asked him to send 500,000 VND so he could buy milk and diapers for his child. The day he returned to the hospital to find him to give him the money, Duy Anh contributed another 500,000 VND. The amount was not much, but he felt "healed". Because at least he sympathized and helped someone.

Except for severe psychological trauma that requires treatment and support to "patch" the soul, young people should understand healing correctly. As Duy Anh realized, if we open our hearts to share, and are less fragile, then why do we need healing?

"Healing" is a need, but don't overdo it

According to Duy Anh, today's youth face many pressures in life: work, family, love... Every day, the time spent looking at computer and phone screens is sometimes more than talking directly and openly with relatives and friends.

"It is this disconnection that makes us feel lonely and lost. The influence of social media and modern lifestyle makes us vulnerable, stressed, and wanting to heal," he said.

Because of this fragility, young people have spent a lot of money on healing services and courses. As N. also admitted, perhaps it is the lack of knowledge and skills to take care of oneself that has kept them stuck in this cycle.

TN (according to Tuoi Tre)
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Suddenly quit job, then broke wallet because of "treatment"