On the morning of June 20, Gia Loc District Women's Union organized the "Happy Family Day" in 2024. Toan Thang Commune Team excelled over the other 8 teams to win first prize.
This year, Gia Loc District has 9 families from 9 communes participating in the “Happy Family Day”. Each team has 4 members, including 2 adults and 2 children. Team members can be husband and wife, mother and child, siblings, grandparents in the same family.
Families go through 3 rounds. Round 1 “Smart Family” is organized in the form of a multiple choice test. Each family is given a set of 20 questions. Within 5 minutes, families circle the correct answer and submit it to the Board of Judges. Round 2 “Families Understand Each Other”, families are divided into 2 groups to answer the questions and write them down on paper. Families are only scored when both sides have the same answer. Round 3 “Happy Family” is a game of sack jumping and ball throwing.
At the end, the Organizing Committee awarded first prize to Ms. Tang Thi Nhung's family in Toan Thang commune.
This is an activity to celebrate Vietnamese Family Day June 28. Through the festival, we create a healthy playground, enhance creativity, solidarity, communication and sharing among family members.